final 2 bands

lucretia96 said:
any chance it will be one of these:

Astral Doors
Human Fortress
Morgana Lefay
Running Wild
Demons & Wizards
Jacob's Dream
Grave Digger
Mercyful Fate

I really hope I don't sound rude or anything but why would Astral doors,Human Fortress, Morgana Lefay, Falconer, Jacob's Dream, Battlelore get a 1 and ahalf hour slot at the biggest metal fest in the US.

I am really starting to think the 4th slot is Rhapsody, before I thought it was Masterplan but I know Glenn has had problems with that in the past. I think the headliner is probably Accept
dargormudshark said:
I really hope I don't sound rude or anything but why would Astral doors,Human Fortress, Morgana Lefay, Falconer, Jacob's Dream, Battlelore get a 1 and ahalf hour slot at the biggest metal fest in the US.

I am really starting to think the 4th slot is Rhapsody, before I thought it was Masterplan but I know Glenn has had problems with that in the past. I think the headliner is probably Accept

Morgana Lefay have enough material so I see why not, the others I guess would be pushing it. But those bands are way better than Stratovarius or Edguy.
I hear ya Neal, SAXON would be awesome! Thought I was going to see them next week in Hamburg but with Biff's house burning down their tour is canceled. I would LOVE to see them at PP, They are killer live and are true headliner material in my humble opinion. :hotjump:
MysticX9 said:
Saxon would be awesome, one for us veteran headbangers!

When Saxon played in Atlanta at the Outer Edge during their Unleash The Beast tour there were about 30 people there. I'd guess they'll never play in Atlanta again unless it was at ProgPower, so bring 'em on. If they're not on this year's bill, PP VII will be fine :Spin:
lucretia96 said:
Grave Digger and Running Wild will be touring US this year? Mercyful Fate is a bit different from King Diamond. Mercyful Fate would be nice to to see at a festival.

Mercyful fate is an obvious not to play prog power, KING DIAMOND is on tour in the coming months. Headliner for the NEW ENGLAND METAL AND HARDCORE FESTIVAL......
Well....I hope it's not one of these "classic" bands like Accept some people are talking about. I don't mean to judge a book by its cover, but I can pretty much tell what they're like from looking at their metal-archives information.......and there's already Pink Cream 69.
Just to take a wild guess based on what I know of Glenn's tastes, I'd say that the last two bands will be:


I could live with that.

There I set my expectations low, now I'll have to be happy with anything he announces!

nightwish58 said:
I really don't understand how unrealistic some people are in their thoughts as to the remaining bands. Masterplan have 2 albums out; that's it! They are a few more albums away from headlining material. Yes, they would be a cool 3rd slot, but it is just obvious that there is no chance in hell that they would be headlining a festival like PP.

In everyone's defense, the last time Jorn Lande was at ProgPower, he was fronting a supergroup that only had two albums out (which perfectly describes Masterplan now) and they played the exact same spot (4th) that everyone is thinking Masterplan would play this time around if they were to come. I don't think I've seen anyone say that they think Masterplan is the big overall headliner; I'm gathering that people think they might be the 4th spot on Friday, aka the "#3 band."

Now, there's plenty of debate to be had over whether Ark is/was a bigger draw than Masterplan, and how ProgPower may have grown since PP2 to a level where bands with two albums can't play fourth, but still, I don't personally consider the idea as outlandish as you do.

Masterplan as a headliner for this festival is not outlandish at all. Makes perfect sense. If Therion can be a headliner on Saturday explain to me how Masterplan could not do the same on Friday. Hmmmmm? And the whole quantity over quality thing doesn't work for me either...who cares if they only have 2. albums out...these guys are pros on the highest level and have enough back-catalog with other bands to justify headliner status
Uh, isn't it kind of closed minded to judge Accept when you apparently have no clue what they are about? You can read about a band all day long and still know noting about them. I am not saying Accept is coming to ProgPower, but if they are I will be there to support them. It will have to be some really awesome band for me to justify a trip down there. I'd rather my ticket go to somebody who would really appreciate it.

Barking Pumpkin said:
Well....I hope it's not one of these "classic" bands like Accept some people are talking about. I don't mean to judge a book by its cover, but I can pretty much tell what they're like from looking at their metal-archives information.......and there's already Pink Cream 69.
Well....that's true. But I think after seeing their lyrical themes of "sex, rebellion, rock/metal,' some of their album titles like 'Balls To The Wall' and 'I'm A Rebel,' that I can safely say that they not some technical band that "makes you think." At the very best, they could be similar to Judas Priest.

But basically, since there's already a "melodic hard rock" band in the lineup, I would be disappointed if there was another, similar band in the headliner slot.

....edit: and by similar, I mean like......straightforward and simple rock
Barking Pumpkin said:
Well....that's true. But I think after seeing their lyrical themes of "sex, rebellion, rock/metal,' some of their album titles like 'Balls To The Wall' and 'I'm A Rebel,' that I can safely say that they not some technical band that "makes you think."

....edit: and by similar, I mean like......straightforward and simple rock
So, music has to be technically brilliant to be good to you? Don't get offended or anything, it's just a question. I've known some people in my lifetime who won't listen to music they see as 'simplistic'...musical snobs, in other words. Not accusing you of this, though.

Hell, the Ramones are not going to make one 'think' very much, but 'Blitzkrieg Bop' is a cool fuckin' song.

Hey ho, let's go - Hey ho, let's go
Haha, dude, I now have the irresistable urge to listen to Blitzkreig Bop.

For a few weeks my friends and I greeted each other in the halls with "Hey," "ho," "lets go!"

It was a long time ago. Really. And it was cool at the time.........
Barking Pumpkin said:
Well....that's true. But I think after seeing their lyrical themes of "sex, rebellion, rock/metal,' some of their album titles like 'Balls To The Wall' and 'I'm A Rebel,' that I can safely say that they not some technical band that "makes you think." At the very best, they could be similar to Judas Priest.

But basically, since there's already a "melodic hard rock" band in the lineup, I would be disappointed if there was another, similar band in the headliner slot.

....edit: and by similar, I mean like......straightforward and simple rock

How in the world can you put Accept in the same category as Judas Priest? Do you have any Idea what JP has done for metal music? Do you have any idea of how many modern bands hold JP in high regard and have looked to them for inspiration?

Most people only know JP by some of there less impressive works like "another thing coming and/or "breaking the law". Get "SAD WINGS OF DESTINY" and then tell me that they deserve to be clumped up with Accept. I am sorry, no offence to Accept fans out there but come on.

Songs like "Victim of changes" and "the ripper" are far superior to "balls to the wall. Pumpkin, I generally agree with much of what you say. However, I feel you are way off on this one.
TheWhisper said:
So, music has to be technically brilliant to be good to you? Don't get offended or anything, it's just a question. I've known some people in my lifetime who won't listen to music they see as 'simplistic'...musical snobs, in other words. Not accusing you of this, though.

Hell, the Ramones are not going to make one 'think' very much, but 'Blitzkrieg Bop' is a cool fuckin' song.

Hey ho, let's go - Hey ho, let's go

I got what he was saying. The main types of band at this festival don't have those types of lyrics or songtitles. Sometims I can read a band's song titles or even band names and know what they sound like

If you saw a song called "The ascension divine pt. 2" what type of stuff do you think it is.

If you see a song called "Legacy of Steel" what do you think they are.

If you here a band "Aborted Pig Fetus", or "Necrosatan".

In Accept's case (80's metal) you would here songs like "Metal Attack", Long-Legged Woman", "Metal Fury", "Explosion"

It is just the connotation of things
How about Freedom Call, Rhapsody, Dream Evil, Demons & Wizards, Watchtower, Lost Horizon(although them and probably Dream Evil and Watchtower may be not headlining material wether Jason McMaster is back or not) or even Axel Rudi Pell or Luca Turilli solo. I know other than Rhapsody and Demons & Wizards these are probably far fetched or not "Headliners" but they could be fun. Just my two cents.