final 2 bands

FatesFan said:
How in the world can you put Accept in the same category as Judas Priest? Do you have any Idea what JP has done for metal music? Do you have any idea of how many modern bands hold JP in high regard and have looked to them for inspiration?

Most people only know JP by some of there less impressive works like "another thing coming and/or "breaking the law". Get "SAD WINGS OF DESTINY" and then tell me that they deserve to be clumped up with Accept. I am sorry, no offence to Accept fans out there but come on.

Songs like "Victim of changes" and "the ripper" are far superior to "balls to the wall. Pumpkin, I generally agree with much of what you say. However, I feel you are way off on this one.

I think you misinterpreted what I meant. I was responding to the suggestion that I shouldn't judge them based on their looks. Before I listened to their songs, I was just saying that the best I thought their sound could be would be a Judas Priest copy band based on looking at their albums and things. I wasn't comparing them to Judas Priest, just saying that based on their titles, image, etc. the best they could be was a band influenced by Judas Priest....with the worst being just being like a generic glam band or something. Seems like they're more like an AC/DC styled band, which I don't really care for at all, but to each his own.

No disrespect meant to Judas Priest. Sorry I led you to believe I was grouping them with Accept.
TheWhisper said:
So, music has to be technically brilliant to be good to you? Don't get offended or anything, it's just a question. I've known some people in my lifetime who won't listen to music they see as 'simplistic'...musical snobs, in other words. Not accusing you of this, though.

Hell, the Ramones are not going to make one 'think' very much, but 'Blitzkrieg Bop' is a cool fuckin' song.

Hey ho, let's go - Hey ho, let's go

Well.....I don't really have how complex a band is as a factor. But I like music as some form of art. It's not really about how complex it is as what it's expressing. I have a hard time listening to commercial type bands, which is what Accept seems to be. Geared for a mass audience.

That being said, I do prefer musicians who know their stuff, theory, instrumental skills, etc. But that's not the case with a lot of the things I listen to. I don't mind what background a band has in terms of music as long as I think they make it well, but I'll debate to the death people who shirk the benefit of musical knowledge in making music.

I sure hope Glenn will give us a clue or something at least about the band that's already confirmed on Monday....
Barking Pumpkin said:
Well.....I don't really have how complex a band is as a factor. But I like music as some form of art. It's not really about how complex it is as what it's expressing. I have a hard time listening to commercial type bands, which is what Accept seems to be. Geared for a mass audience.

That being said, I do prefer musicians who know their stuff, theory, instrumental skills, etc. But that's not the case with a lot of the things I listen to. I don't mind what background a band has in terms of music as long as I think they make it well, but I'll debate to the death people who shirk the benefit of musical knowledge in making music.

I sure hope Glenn will give us a clue or something at least about the band that's already confirmed on Monday....
That's cool. We're all drawn to certain music for different reasons. I'm no Accept fan, but understand someone's affinity for them...esp. if they're from that time period. Hell, I saw them a lifetime ago, in the 80's, with Keel & Helix as openers. A dj friend of mine, who worked at a rock club, got free tix, so we all went. It was a night of Rock & Roll and debauchery that only the 80's metal scene could provide.
TheWhisper said:
That's cool. We're all drawn to certain music for different reasons. I'm no Accept fan, but understand someone's affinity for them...esp. if they're from that time period. Hell, I saw them a lifetime ago, in the 80's, with Keel & Helix as openers. A dj friend of mine, who worked at a rock club, got free tix, so we all went. It was a night of Rock & Roll and debauchery that only the 80's metal scene could provide.

Yea man I know what you are saying how everyone got their reasons why they listen to a specific type of music. I listen to Progressive Rock/Metal because I believe it is the best type of music. It might not be the most technical sorts of music (Jazz or classical) and it might not be the heaviest of the bunch, but it gets the job done. It is a combination of some "heaviness" and "technicality" and I love it. Now on Accept:

Its not really for me, I mean the music is not really that good, but however, I know how some people might like it.
Did I miss something here...I guess it's possible since I don't get to read much on the forum (Working a lot), but no one has mentioned either Helloween or Labyrinth as possibilities as the final two bands. I believe both have a shot at least for the #2 slot. Especially Labyrinth with a new CD due in March. I don't think either one of these bands is the #1 slot Glen has been trying to secure, but both would be great draws as a #2 slot.
helloween would get #1 for sure...but they are not laying any festivals in europe as fo now, so i find it very hard. Mabyrinth, maybe, hope not...
I wouldn't mind seeing Accept.

What I would really like to see happen is for Pink Cream 69 take Therion's spot as the fourth band on Saturday, Therion to move to the fourth spot on Friday, the band that was scheduled for that fourth spot to move to the fifth spot on Friday, and Watchtower to take Pink Cream 69's spot. That would be awesome. The headliners would be Stratovarius, ???, Therion, and Pink Cream 69 in that order.
Yeah! Make Cede work double duty that weekend!

"WE ARE WARRI-ORS!" That song was meant to be played to a crowd of chanting fans.
Seriously now... I mean very seriously...

Hammerfall, Dragonforce or Freedom Call will NEVER headliner ProgPower USA... at least not for a while....

Again... Evergrey or Angra and Masterplan are my calls, since last year =)
I'd put my guess on Crimson Glory for one headliner and maybe Angel Dust or Rhapsody for the other. I can't see Masterplan as a co-headliner, It seems like all bands that Glenns had in the past had numerous albums out.
Dream Theater's new album is being released in May! That's just in time for ProgPower!! You know what that means OMG HEADLINER!!!
