Final 2 Headliners

bad power metal


Hammerfall is bland as hell. Not a single interesting thing happens in their songs. I liked Hammerfall for like 2 days of listening because their songs are admittedly somewhat catchy in their simplicity - you can sing along, snappy, has a good beat, you can dance to it :Smug: . I'd say the problem arises in the fact that their music has absolutely no longevity, everything about their music is right on the surface and no song is deeper in meaning, composition, or scope than what you get the first time you hear it.

To me, power metal needs to be more than pop with distorted guitars and fantasy lyrics. When power metal only amounts to that, pop songs are honestly more impressive compositions.
OH, and I also have another bone to pick with Mr. "Anti-Metal State"!

Connecticut is an Anti-Metal state?

How about you look into WEBSTER THEATER in Hartford?

It got the recent U.S. tours from Epica, Edguy, Katatonia, ChthoniC, and plenty others I can't currently think of (Tours that Mass DIDN'T get)

It has the following Metal shows scheduled: Enslaved, Vader, Obituary, Trail of Tears, Sonata Arctica, Rotting Christ, Exodus, and Nightwish. That's from December to May. I'll tell you, if any place in my state got that many metal shows I wouldn't be calling my state the "Anti Metal State" like you are. I live in Rhode Island. We get virtually nothing. Good thing Mass is around the corner.

Ohhh-Kaaaayy, well w/the exception of bands like S.A. Epica, Exodus, & maybe a coupl'a others are good. But I don't give 2 fucks about Death metal! I meant MUSIC! NOT noise!

& the Webster could fit into the OakDale & Bushnell like 3 times over, & are STILL small enough to enjoy a show just about from any seat! & yeah I KNOW that those bands have Yet to sell enough to headline there. But, since
'The COCK'; WCCC WON'T play REAL METAL, then these bands have to be given a chance somehow! If the venues would use the site:EventFul, they's see just how many REAL Metal-Heads there are here! & how many wnat more than that handful you listed, it should be like 3X's that w/bands as large as I.E., B.G., etc.! If it only goes by radio play here, it will take a long ass time to change!

& I didn't mean that NO Metal bands come here, but hardly ANY!
Do you not understand the concept of drawing power?

Yes, I do. So, how can you say that I.E. would not draw a HUGE crowd? Whether they've headlined every major venue in this country or not?? Which they have YET to do unfortunately! You think anyone in Europe would bitch about I.E. headlining a festival?? Or that it would hardly draw anyone? Whether you like them or not, they would draw an HUGE crowd!
As for it "hardly being a nationwide tour", it had 24 dates in 18 states, and 2 dates in Canada.

By comparison, Nightwish's current U.S. tour had 21 dates in 16 states, and 2 dates in Canada.

I'd consider it Nationwide. It didn't hit every state, but look at the logical (and financial) side of things. Tours from these bands CAN'T hit every state.

So, if you want to see a band you like, you're going to have to deal with it.

I take it you didn't pay attention in school? There are 50 states in the USA!
They deserve way larger venues than The Palladium?

I'd argue that Nightwish is a larger draw now, than Iced Earth was then.

And I'm not even quite certain Nightwish sold out The Palladium last weekend. By the looks of the line, they came damn close if they didn't, but I have no confirmation that they did (There were plenty of tickets at the door but there were a lot of people buying tickets there).

As much as I would love to say that every Metal show I go to at The Palladium is a sellout, I'd be lieing if I said so. We just don't have a scene here that would dictate larger venues for bands such as Iced Earth, Nightwish, Edguy, etc. (I believe the Palladium's capacity is just under 2,000, but don't quote me on that)

The Bushnell is a Performing Arts Center. All I see on their upcoming events is plays and the like. I don't think you're quite likely to see Iced Earth there.

As for Chevrolet Theater.

It has a schedule of Duran Duran, Jethro Tull, and Playhouse Disney Live! On Tour, among other things.

I've also looked at seating charts/images of both venues.

As much as I'd like to see Iced Earth fill those up...

I severely doubt it, especially in our area.

Yeah, well along w/things that please OTHER people, the Oakdale has also had Motley Crue, Queensrcyhe, Fates Warning, Dream Theater, etc.! & Bushnel has had concerts there, I just don't recall which bands! & the Meadows amphitheratre in HTFD would be a great venue for a REAL Metal fest. Unlike OzzFest, uh, I mean Nu-Metal fest!
But I don't give 2 fucks about Death metal! I meant MUSIC! NOT noise!


Funniest post of the week. :kickass:

BTW, nothing personal, dude, but try to do some research into exactly how ProgPower 'ticks' -- and why it works so well -- before hopping on the board, second-guessing Glenn's methods and hurling insults at people because they said they'd be bored by Iced Earth, or because they 'didn't pay attention in school.'

I take it you didn't pay attention in school? There are 50 states in the USA!

Um... I don't think you understand the concept of what he was saying. He said there was 26 shows divided across 18 states, meaning some states that had the show, had more than one. He did not say that the US only had 18 states... and as for Pellaz, lay off of him, he was only quoting a movie (and which was not meant any condescending way towards you...)and does WAAAAY more for this festival than you can possibly imagine.

Funniest post of the week. :kickass:

BTW, nothing personal, dude, but try to do some research into exactly how ProgPower 'ticks' -- and why it works so well -- before hopping on the board, second-guessing Glenn's methods and hurling insults at people because they said they'd be bored by Iced Earth, or because they 'didn't pay attention in school.'

I'm not gonna waste anymore time w/you, you bore me!
Um... I don't think you understand the concept of what he was saying. He said there was 26 shows divided across 18 states, meaning some states that had the show, had more than one. He did not say that the US only had 18 states...

Yep. Almost no-one plays all fifty states, or even all 48 contiguous states. I remember on the seemingly interminable Black Album tour, Metallica made a bit of a splash by playing at least one date in every state (how often does Billings, Montana get a show?), including Alaska and Hawaii. At the time, the logistics for the Hawaii show -- which followed a string of dates in Mexico City -- were among the most challenging ever attempted by a major tour.

Hey, imagine living in Alaska or Hawaii! They get virtually nothing as far as tours.

and as for Pellaz, lay off of him, he was only quoting a movie (and which was not meant any condescending way towards you...)and does WAAAAY more for this festival than you can possibly imagine.

Ehh, no biggie. I'm just in a pissy mood because I'm missing Hoyt's Halloween show tonight (after 3 days, a new flare-up of pain from The Stone).
Um... I don't think you understand the concept of what he was saying. He said there was 26 shows divided across 18 states, meaning some states that had the show, had more than one. He did not say that the US only had 18 states...

Yeah. I also meant, like Pellaz also brought up, that it's very uncommon for a date in every single state, or even the 48 contiguous ones.

As for the "I guess you never paid attention in school", fun fact, I've been at College level academically since 3rd grade.

Yeah, well along w/things that please OTHER people, the Oakdale has also had Motley Crue, Queensrcyhe, Fates Warning, Dream Theater, etc.! & Bushnel has had concerts there, I just don't recall which bands! & the Meadows amphitheratre in HTFD would be a great venue for a REAL Metal fest. Unlike OzzFest, uh, I mean Nu-Metal fest!

You fail to understand that Iced Earth does not have the drawing power of Motley Crue, Queensryche, Dream Theater, etc.

If the venues would use the site:EventFul, they's see just how many REAL Metal-Heads there are here!

A quick search of demands in Connecticut on Eventful reveals that the highest METAL request is for Hellyeah with 89 people.

A bunch of REAL metalheads in Connecticut, eh?

Not enough to sell out a show of the size you're suggesting, for a band like Iced Earth or Blind Guardian.

(I've done quick searches of RI and MA out of curiosity, and found Hellyeah is also the most "requested" Metal band in those two states, as well. In comparison, RI has 62, and MA has 241)

While I'll admit Hellyeah isn't the best representative of the Metal community we're referring to, they're the highest Metal band on each state's demand list, since Mudvayne and Korn aren't metal.
If anyone is hoping for Symphony X, it probably won't happen. Tremont Music Hall's website has Symphony X with Epica and Into Eternity on May 2. I can't believe Symphony X is coming to Charlotte, NC. So if they r touring in May, I think it'd be too soon to do PP IX, I don't see an Atlanta tour stop, just NYC and Charlotte. But they will announce more tour dates soon enough. Plus it's only 240-250 miles from Atlanta to Charlotte which is like a 40 minute flight or a 3 hr drive, so I just don't see it happening. Not saying I don't, would be awesome for Symphony X to headline for the first time in 7 years, but like the Nightwish arguement, if they are on tour in May '08 plus already touring once this year, might be oversaturation to have them at PP IX. Just my opinion.
If anyone is hoping for Symphony X, it probably won't happen. Tremont Music Hall's website has Symphony X with Epica and Into Eternity on May 2. I can't believe Symphony X is coming to Charlotte, NC. So if they r touring in May, I think it'd be too soon to do PP IX, I don't see an Atlanta tour stop, just NYC and Charlotte. But they will announce more tour dates soon enough. Plus it's only 240-250 miles from Atlanta to Charlotte which is like a 40 minute flight or a 3 hr drive, so I just don't see it happening. Not saying I don't, would be awesome for Symphony X to headline for the first time in 7 years, but like the Nightwish arguement, if they are on tour in May '08 plus already touring once this year, might be oversaturation to have them at PP IX. Just my opinion.

SX is NOT a realistic headliner at this point...IMO Nor do I think the majority views them as such.