Final Destination 2 scared the shit out of me


Jun 10, 2002
Sliding down Hell's popsicle
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I did NOT want to drive back home after I SAW that MOVIE. Oh my GOD. A pileup

and whats with all the people getting IMPALED through the HEAD?


it scared the shit out of me

for a long long time

everywhere i go, i see pileup pileup pileup and my magled body draped over a parking meter

:: faints ::'re a fag. That movie was hilarious, and it had awesome special effects, but it was anything but scary.

But I hear Devin Sawa isn't in it and it only shows a picture of what's supposed to be him after a brick fell on his head. HOW WEAK!!! :mad:

Oh well, if people get impaled through the head then it must be good. :heh: :lol: \m/
:eek: it actually showed it, it didn't cut off like in Resident Evil? :eek:

kewel, that'z like, so freaky y'awlz! I'ma see dis wit muh girlz!!!!!
it showed this one guy getting sliced apart into several peices by barbed wire as well

then the organs sliding out


its like the number 2 movie in your country or something

desensitizing us to gore, therefore war

so we can kill those.. im not political

i hate people who dont finish what they
Film critic commentary:
the first was aweful i couldnt watch it all the way through. when i saw previews for the second i said "hey they are copying that one shitty movie." sure enough it was the sequel to that shitty movie.

additional comment:
Imma go buy some porn instead of seeing Final Destination 2.
Originally posted by Joel_In_Flames
The first was funny when she got hit by the bus :)

:lol: YES! I was laughing so hard when that happened!!

I havn't seen 2 yet.
god, the first one was one of the worst movies i've seen. yeah, it was funny, but in a sad funny kind of way (not like those lovable ridicullously funny old horror movies). i can't believe they're making a second one.
Oh yes, Meet Joe Black. I loved it.

He's just looking at her walking off... then suddenly BAM! *BOUNCE* BAM! *BOUNCE* BAM!

And then just imagine seeing him get up and walk off a couple seconds later as death takes his body :p
It's like:

"Are yuo God? :eek: Can I have yuor autograph, God?"