final line up coming soon!!!!!


Sep 30, 2005
With the announcement of Riot as headliner early this week helped move the rest along now.....should be very soon for the final run of bands.

there are two more mainstage acts and three more second stage ones.

hopefully if all goes well it should be up in a week. hopefully.
You get my sponsorship $$$ for Cap'n Skeech and the Shrimp Shack Shooters?

one of the greatest music / band movies of all time...saw it twice in one day in the theater actually.

Ever see the directors cut? it is really odd. A whole side story with the drummers ex and the dentist. Tom Hanks character is gay. It is about 45 minutes longer.
No,I haven't.......

To be honest,we only have this on VHS!!!!!!!!!

VHS...what next you will be buying cassette tapes.HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

no...the directors cut is on DVD...they played it on cable a few times and at first I didn't even know but I started noticing new scenes then I looked and saw it was a longer cut of the movie.
I almost bought the first Damien Thorne on tape the other day as it was cheap on eBay.
You were rockin cassettes in your car up until a couple years ago!!!!

I will have to seek out that footage. Would be cool to see.

Back on topic, what are we looking at genre wise for the remaining slots????
What movie are you talking about? I don't think I've ever heard of it.

MANDATORY for ANY music fan......

I almost bought the first Damien Thorne on tape the other day as it was cheap on eBay.
You were rockin cassettes in your car up until a couple years ago!!!!

I will have to seek out that footage. Would be cool to see.

Back on topic, what are we looking at genre wise for the remaining slots????

what is funny...I wasn't being retro like these clowns car literally had a tape deck and no CD player so it was "classic".
back on topic...

the second stage bands genres traditional band who has a CD out, one death metalish band and one tech thrash band who remind me of Toxic.

the mainstage is all up in the air...there are emails sent out to a few mike is just waiting. There have been a few names tossed around here and on the facebook page but those are all still up in the air. Who knows...maybe a surprise even.