Final Mix

Great song. I couldn't help playing it loud (my coworkers hate me).

The guitars sound scooped to me. They have their own cool quality about them, though. I think it sounds more scooped when both left and right guitars are brought in, and not when just the right guitar is soloed. The overdubbed guitars don't sound bad though, the solo definitely needs to be louder. The snare could come down a little throughout the song, too.
Actually i really like the snare and it's volume... sounds fine to me.

What i like as well is that kickdrum! nice punch to it, yet not too upfront, you know?

Great riffage as well Mendel... sounds much darker then your other stuff, is this downtuned a few steps lower then normal?

Sounds cool man!
Way better dude.

See how this just breathes a lot better? There's more dynamics in it, so when you get it up really loud on the stereo it'll just beat the shit out of ya'. That's a very good thing. It's not just all smashed together and boring.

It's easier to listen to. You're other stuff was difficult because my ears just didn't like the abnormal compression usage. Hehe! You lost a bit of volume overall, but FUCK the loudness wars. Seriously. Keep mixing like this Mendel, you're kicking some ass.
Way better dude.

See how this just breathes a lot better? There's more dynamics in it, so when you get it up really loud on the stereo it'll just beat the shit out of ya'. That's a very good thing. It's not just all smashed together and boring.

It's easier to listen to. You're other stuff was difficult because my ears just didn't like the abnormal compression usage. Hehe! You lost a bit of volume overall, but FUCK the loudness wars. Seriously. Keep mixing like this Mendel, you're kicking some ass.

dude yeah you was the one who said about thwe comp right ?

yeah thx dude realy sounds better like this and the whole nuendo project is like using really less cpu it's so weird, im using less plugins, and it sounds better. thx big time/. and bobby ( TGM ) GET ON MSN GODAMMIT !
dude yeah you was the one who said about thwe comp right ?

yeah thx dude realy sounds better like this and the whole nuendo project is like using really less cpu it's so weird, im using less plugins, and it sounds better. thx big time/. and bobby ( TGM ) GET ON MSN GODAMMIT !

Yeah dude, the best songs out there are the ones that are perfect during production, so there's no need for a ton of EQing, compressing, etc. during mixing.

The less processing that's needed, the better.

IMO, this mix is light years ahead of all of your others. Good job.
anyone who tells you the snare is too loud, is lying to you

because snares are never too loud

listen to my mixes, the snare is the loudest thing on every one of them

and im booked every day from now until august 2007 :-d
Interesting enough, this is the best sounding mix (especially on drums) yet the guitars seem to sound too pod-ish. Something about the squashed mixes you had before, the guitar seemed more natural since the whole thing was squashed. I think if you got into mic'ing a cab and blended that in - you'd have a fucking ace sound. :kickass:
I think it sounds great. The snare isnt that bad, although it wouldn't hurt to turn it down just a bit.

What setup did you use to record the guitar tracks?
some really cool heavy parts during the song.

the most redeeming quality for me is the drums. drums sound great. especially the kick!!! great click/thump ratio. snare is just right. don't change it IMO

guitars are a bit too scooped for my tastes. scooped mids sound great for like heavy gutiar only passages appropriate for that style of music however in the context of the mix i dislike scooped guitars. but it's all a matter of preference. try turning up the mids a little or eqing in more mids. i think it will give it more bite and make is sound less fuzzy.

i'm struggling myself to capture a good gutiar sound. how did you record the guitars? specs please if possible.
