Final reflections on PPUSA 2017--Kudos and (a few) Critiques


May 4, 2012
I know I've said quite a bit about this year's PPUSA, but let me offer a few final kudos for the weekend:

- Thanks to all the staff for their professionalism with putting up with us for the four days. I especially want to thank the bartenders who were more than willing to fill my order of ice water--or at least to point to me where the jug was.

- Thanks to everyone for keeping the signing sessions running smoothly. In the past, I'd pretty much given up on the signing sessions because they took too long as everyone and their brother wanted to have the artists sign a dozen photos or album covers, and take photographs. This year, they but they did a great job, so that I don't believe I spent more than 15 minutes in line.

- Along the same lines, thanks to Dynazty who were willing to sign, even though they were just about ready to pack it in and were simply taking a few photos before they left. In fact, they had to track down their markers so they could sign the album.

- Thanks to the vendors in the merchandise who had a nice selection of stuff, with the only item I couldn't get was the new Threshold album. A special thanks to those who manned the Impulse table, who graciously put up with me for the entire weekend.

- Thanks to Glenn and co for a great selection of acts, both for this year. It's also great that we managed to get through the weekend with only two substitutions. Speaking of which, thanks dealing with the last-minute problems with Terramaze, with a very adequate replacement in Seven Spires.

- Thanks for yet another great video package for next year's festival. I've already picked up a handful of albums from next year's acts, and likely will get plenty more before going to the festival.

- Thanks for keeping to the schedule relatively faithfully with only minor delays. I don't believe any act wound up being more than a half hour behind the schedule, which is amazing compared to the previous track record at this festival.

And let me offer the only points of contention the entire weekend:

- The band merchandise was not as strong as it could have been, with Angel Dust and Amaranthe lacking anything. However, I have come to understand, as some bands may not have been able to do so, not without losing money.

- I also wasn't that thrilled with the food selection, as I missed the BBQ from last year. The taco table was pretty good for Wednesday and Thursday, but was gone for the main portion of the festival.

- Finally, there seemed to be an issue with the house lights on Saturday, which made it harder for me to read between sets.

Still, those were relatively minor complaints compared to what was yet another awesome weekend . I look forward to seeing you all next year.
Interesting. I thought the in-venue food on offer was great. I availed myself of both vendors at various points. I agree with all the positives as well. Things mostly just worked out, and nicely.
Its been over a month since the PPUSA17 and I'm still freaking out how good it was. Sure wish I could roll the clock back to that magical first full week in September, but as Katatonia would say that time has vanished and returned to dust.

Concerning the missing merch, I wanted a Vanden Plas T -shirt, but talking with Andy Kuntz they simply couldn't afford to ship the shirts over. I also noticed they played without a band banner behind them. I'm not surprised the way airlines are charging for every little thing these days. Its not a complaint as I was happy as a clam they could make it. Note to Glenn: Get them back sooner rather than later. Awesome band.