Final song in Guitar Hero 3

I have a friend that was enough of a super nerd to pass everything on GH2 on expert, most with 5 stars, that just gave up on the last tier on GH3. He says it's way harder and the game is less fun besides :P Too bad that he will never unlock that song so I can fail it. Also, that music is the final boss stage, and is allegedly easier than the actual last bonus song, which is some dragonforce song, I don't know which cause all their songs are basically the same.
I can beat everything on GHII with relative ease except Jordan. Judging by the videos I've seen this one indeed be a lot harder. Wankerness, what did your friend say was less fun, aside from the difficulty?
I can beat everything on GHII with relative ease except Jordan. Judging by the videos I've seen this one indeed be a lot harder. Wankerness, what did your friend say was less fun, aside from the difficulty?

He said it feels a lot more wooden and it seems less like it was made by people who actually play guitar, like the note patterns don't seem to correspond to the song melodically? I forget exactly. Just know he played guitar hero 2 for ages and still loves it and got sick of this after like 3 days and is waiting for rock band instead.