Finally brave enough to post my firs song...


Nov 17, 2008
Ok, first off it's not all that metal but I still used everything I've learned from months of reading and applying methods that I've learned here. SUCH A GREAT SITE THIS IS! Anyway, this is my first "real" attempt at recording anything serious. We're (my band) making a 14 song demo (demo; because we don't have enough money or experience to call it an album) and this is the first song that I've mixed. It needs A LOT of help so please BASH away if that's what I need. Even though this is my first attempt, since I learned everything I know from this site, it's ALL YOUR FAULT IF I SUCK!!!!! Haaaaa... ok, so it's not but I really would appreciate some feedback even if it's to say I shouldn't quit my day job.

The song is called "Feel" and it's just your basic straight forward rock song.
Thank you all for the comments. I appreciate them all.

@ Felix: The drums are actually SD 2.0 with the snare and kick "semi" replaced and blended. The tracks were performed/triggered on V-Drums.

@ ahjteam: Are there any specific areas that you'd boost the top end or is it the entire mix in general? Is this one of those areas where I'd be drawn and quartered if I put an EQ on the master bus and boosted ever so slightly or should I boost each individual element? Re: the Brick wall... I have VERY slight limiting on it now but no mastering done at all. Is mastering another area that the high end could/would be addressed? And thank you VERY much for the constructive criticism; it's exactly what I'm after.
sounds awsome finally a mix that doesn't make your ears bleed and is clipped to death... real good vocalist...
Sounds really nice. I like the way that it is laid back and not too fast. Great vocals as well, they fit very nicely with the style and sit in the mix just right.
You guys fucking rule! Thank you so much for the kind words and confidence!

jauernis: let's see if I can give you the details that my fried brain can regurgitate.

Guitars are all mic'ed with a single 57 (intersection of dust cap and cone with a tiny bit of off axis action) and are Bugera 333XL (lead channel) through a Mesa Oversized with V30s. My Channel Strip is a Joe Meek Twin Q (which for the price I love) into Sonar 7. Distorted Post is just the TLS Saturated Driver (Free VST tube saturation), UAD Cambridge EQ (surgical cuts with high and low pass at - I believe - 80 and 12 respectively and a small bump around 5k). Quad Tracked 100-80-80-100 BUT I barely, I MEAN BARELY, seasoned with the 80%ers to taste just for a little extra extra-ness.

Clean Guitars are also Bugera 333XL (for 600 bucks this amp is really great even though it is behrenger. Maybe I'm showing my age, but Peavey was the Behrenger of my day and WIDELY regarded as one step above Radio Shack Gear... Literally CRAP. Look at Peavey NOW!). DAMN! Fell off my soapbox. Cleans are just recorded with no effects and run through IK Classic Reverb and Waves Multi Tap. I recorded 2 tracks and created a "faux stereo" with them.

Bass is just Line 6 Pod Farm and then copied onto another track where I added a little distortion and blended to taste. I hit it pretty hard with Waves Axx Compressor.

Vocals are an ADK A51 Condenser Mic into the Twin Q and post is UAD Neve 88RS and a bit of Waves Super Tap Delay and IK's Classic Hall Reverb or UAD Plate 140 (Which I think is the best sounding reverb I've used yet)

Drums... Performed via V-Drums midi and then run through Superior 2.0 and blended a snare and kick with apptrigga. I actually did all the processing with UAD 1176 Compressor and reverb is plate 140 all drum tracks separated in Sonar and then sent to a drum bus.

I actually think that's about it... PLEASE keep in mind I am NOWHERE NEAR a professional (quite the opposite since this is really my first "real" project) and 99% of what I know I learned while reading (LIVING more like) on this forum so I'd never take my way as Gospel. But if I can help in any way...
Good work........
I'm not a huge fan of the drum sounds but i think overall your on track.
Song translates well and the vibe is cool which is most important particularly with the track titled "Feel"
As a suggestion i would add that you could try cutting the drums out until 45sec,perhaps leave some light cymbal hits in there to gradually build the track(Intro)If you opt to keep the drums in there i'd suggest having a look at perhaps tightening some of the feels,and maybe lower the China hit's.I'm suggesting this for the intro only.
Overall your tones are great,and the band has played very well,so i don't doubt that by the time you get to track 14 you will have improved everything tenfold.
Thumbs Up!
@ ahjteam: Are there any specific areas that you'd boost the top end or is it the entire mix in general?

I would add it to the entire mix, because the stuff is otherwise pretty valid as is. I tried to add a 2-4dB highshelf boost at 2-3khz to bring up the overall presence and a semiwide 2-4dB peak at 10khz to bring up the cymbals and it turned from nice to supernice. I added a safety limiter after (threshold 0.0, ceiling -0.2) that and it snatched about 1.5dB off, so it was really subtle and wasn't pumping at all. Try something like that
awsome mix the snare really caught my ear , but the kick def if changed would make the mix sound 80 times better great song.
Diggin' it man! Some of the vocals are a bit off key in places, but overall pretty solid. Reminds me of AIC a bit which is always a good thing. I like the melody of the vocals, real cool.
