Finally got round to tracking guitars


Bass Behemoth
Jun 13, 2004
Manchester, UK
So, the band I'm working with finally got round to tracking some guitars and I thought I'd post a clip of a rough mix from the session. The keys are still scratch.

My hosting is a little full so I'm trying yousendit until I can get hosting sorted again, I hope it works. The track is called 'Love Labours Lost'.

Love Labours Lost

Let me know what you think, both the rough mix and the music/performances.
I think the guitars sound quite good, the mix to me clearly sounds like they are the focus. Something that stood out is the harmonics in the riff starting at about 2:30, they aren't quite tight and I hear some other string artifacts I think. Editing in cleaner ones would solve it I guess, but could be hard to not get too artificial in doing that. Tracking the 'chug' then 'harmonic' parts seperately seems like the ideal way for that sort of thing.. to me.

Good work. I like the music also.
Degenerate said:
I think the guitars sound quite good, the mix to me clearly sounds like they are the focus. Something that stood out is the harmonics in the riff starting at about 2:30, they aren't quite tight and I hear some other string artifacts I think. Editing in cleaner ones would solve it I guess, but could be hard to not get too artificial in doing that. Tracking the 'chug' then 'harmonic' parts seperately seems like the ideal way for that sort of thing.. to me.

Good work. I like the music also.

Thanks, the mix was only used to track the guitars and I am not doing the final mixes so the sound will be different depending on the mixing engineer.

About the harmonics, the harmonics on the left hand side are different from the ones on the right, there are two different guitarists with different parts playing throughout the song. Any string noise will be edited out before being sent for mixing.
Lord Lurion said:
Hmm, the keys could use a bit of a high cut. They get a bit in the way of the cymbals IMHO. Just a thought! Guitars sound sick!

The keys are being re-tracked as those are only the scratch tracks from the drum sessions last month. I've already told the keyboard player to lose some high-end from all his patches (it's a thing I find with all Roland Fantom keyboards actually)
i think the guitars sound very good but pinched (very compressed) , are they using digital pre amps? thats what it sounds like too.
just my 2 cents
the links aren't working for me .. one takes me to an odd grey page that says the "page may have escaped".. the other takes me to a page for some microsoft virus software. you are taking a D.I. on the guitars, right?
James Murphy said:
the links aren't working for me .. one takes me to an odd grey page that says the "page may have escaped".. the other takes me to a page for some microsoft virus software. you are taking a D.I. on the guitars, right?

That's wierd, they were working last night!!

Try here instead

And yes, I am taking a D.I of both the guitars and Bass. We should finish tracking this afternoon.
Well, this afternoon turned into a 14hr session!! But we managed to get everything done and all that's left is keyboards, which are being recorded by the keyboard player, and vocals which we start next week. I hope my good friend SM-7 doesn't let me down!!