finally got the other 2 albums (Knowing and OSIASF)


Oct 18, 2002
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Well, actually recieved The Knowing a while ago, but this site wasn't working real well for me.

Anyway, The Knowing kicks ass!! Probably my favorite one so far! Great album guys! Especially the songs 'Silent Tomorrow' and 'Last God'. fantastic album!

About Of Sculptured Ivy..., another pretty good album, have to listen to it more, though (only one listen so far). But i really liked what i remember!
The Knowing was the first album I bought. Still my favorite. I still haven't given Ivy enough spins to get into it (I got 5 different albums at the same time, always a bad idea) but I have noticed some areas on it that I really liked.
FrostGiant said:
(I got 5 different albums at the same time, always a bad idea)

that's actually not that bad. in one day, i actually bought 10 CDs. all different bands, too. and, to be truful, 2 of them i still haven't listened to!