Finally got Xen cd!


Black Heart
Aug 21, 2001
Elmhurst, Ill. USA
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Thanks to those on this board who told me to go to Laser cd, I finally got the Xen cd this week. Pretty good on first listen. I imagine the cd will be like all other Enchant cds in that it takes several listens to really appreciate and enjoy the cd. The drumming really sticks out as very impressive though. Need to listen more. Any other thoughts on this cd?
RED LETTER DAY - outstanding song and would love to see/hear Enchant perform that live. Amazing tune.:hotjump:

Find A Way is a standout, especially for Ted's singing.
"There's so much wasted time... so much time to waste... ---
Cause time does not forgive, and you'll never forget...."

I really enjoy the Xen Cd and hope they boys can convince Paul to come out of 'retirement' for a bit and do another one.
lol----sounds like a learned fellow. indeed.

might i mention 'Psychedelia', i love this song. Paul's a nut, in a genius' shell. and a genius, in a nutshell.

How about the fast middle section starting with, "dont you know that you dont have a lot of time?". madness. :D ...................................................
of course a beautiful verse about counting drops of rain
- and how bout Doug on 'lightning guitar'. nice work ;)

'Find a Way' is a superb song. I also like "psycho pilots", I think that one includes a funky breakdown. R.L.D is great, no question. Well actually the whole album is very well done.

Here's a question: How come you guys spelled 'PRETTYZNTENUF' as one word that way---what's the meaning of this? -Just having some fun?
Looks like you wrote this song Ted. Did you come up with the title too?
Hobo guitar!

"could be a budding rose, could be an old man's nose" :)

so skimming through Paul's website a little more........ real interesting stuff. Well thought out. I'll put it on my 'favorites' list. Good find Dano