Finally... Our Video-clip is done! (THE SCHOENBERG AUTOMATON)


Ur Friendly Bitch Piglet
Feb 15, 2004
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Hey guys,

Wasn't able to see if this was posted yet by Peddy so I thought I'd do it.
Anyway, the video clip for our song "Where Are We, In A Cube?" is done.

This was filmed in 1 afternoon in our practice room with our vocalist and an assistant using their Canon 7D's and about $100 worth of lighting gear.

Our mate Geordie handled all the post production effects.
Let me know what you think!


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As far as low budget clips go, it's come up pretty well mate!

Just wish the mix was heavier/larger sounding!

Thanks heaps man!
We'll be heading down your way again later this year; we will have to catch up for a beer, I want to run some stuff past you and get your thoughts. If you have the Book of the Face, add me - Shayne Johnson

Love the bright blue cast/strobe effect at around 0:56. Very much like Voivod's "Astronomy Domine" video!

For sure man. That was quite hilarious when we were being filmed for it, it was this epically huge strobe and an incredibly tiny room. Was awesome.