finally, saw one of my favorite bands!


May 31, 2002
Arlington, Virginia
Visit site

and it was AMAZING!!!!

i had such a great time in New York, i love this city!
it was freezing cold, and the winds almost killed me, but it was of the best weekends ive ever had, and it all thanks to Iron Maiden (and my wonderful friends of course)



hail yeah


bruce was looking at me !


Those are cool!
Good you had a nice time.
I've seen them twice recent years - they always put a decent show - but i am still waiting to hear Aces High live
Arghhh. I had managed to forget how pissed I was that I didn't manage to get a ticket to their last gig here. I'll go video bootleg hunting now.
Awesome pix, wow ;-)
I saw them in November in Switzerland and it was fuckin´ great ........

Nice story:

a friend of my roommate was driving with his car to Stuttgart (Germany) and had to pee. He stopped at a official parking place and went to the restrooms. While he was standing there and peeing he realized it was Bruce Dickinson right beside him hahaha .... it was kinda strange situation asking him to get his Maiden tickets signed hehe ......
Oh Goody, pics. I love pics. This is gonna be a ball. I love it.


What's with the gay-Robin without Batman theme here?


It's so laughable they keep the most useless guitar
player in Maiden. "Who else has time to fight a robot
Eddie on stage?"


DL, is that you and your boyfriend?

Wait, you said you've 'finally' seen one of your favorite bands?

I don't get it. You've never seen Maiden before???
(scratching head)

That doesn't make any sense.
You've been going to shows since you were 14 and you worked for Metal
Hammer and travelled all around the world covering shows and yet you've
never seen Iron Maiden?

You've lived in Europe and in America, all that time spent in Belgium
and you never jumped across that channel to England or crossed Belgium's
borders into neighboring France or Germany to catch Maiden while
they were touring Europe on any of their 4 prior World Tours?
That's just wicked hard to believe. The fact that you've never
seen Maiden before is inconsistent, logically speaking. That's like
Chuck Billy saying "I've never seen Exodus live"

It's just so sad that Maiden's recent albums are wicked rehashed bollocks.
Where were the power chords on Brave New World?
The new album is just cruel and unusual punishment it's so horrible.
I would never wish their new material on my enemies or Saddam Hussein.
I totally love Iron Maiden and their old albums are worthy of respect
so I just dont get what the hell they're up to now. Jannick
Gers should have been shitcanned when Adrian Smith came back, Smith's
100 times the player.

Of corz their old stuff rulezzz but what's wrong with BNW??!!
In fact i find it to be one of the best of their LPs among PoM, TNoTB, SSoTSS.
Song writing is very mature (like IM themselves:Spin: ), I like almost every track there - of corz world has heard better LP's openers from IM then Wicker Man and I cannot really understand why they still keep on playing The Brave New World song during their gigs - it is my least favourite track of that LP -but the rest of the album is IMO very, very good - especially - THE DREAM OF MIRRORS :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: which is a killer Maiden song, Mercenary, Blood Brothers (like the solo) and also the rest is on a very high level.

The new one - i must say i didn't give it a chence still coz i really didin't like the song they picked for the first single - Wildest Dreams - I also heard it live and it is sooo painfully Maiden-like-schematic - it just didn't grow on me at all - but i've heard that there also some good songs on DoD - must check it some day as a whole
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soulflypl said:
What's up!!!!! The PL Kick Metal Ass!!!!!

Of corz their old stuff rulezzz but what's wrong with BNW??!!
Uh, IMO....There were no power chords, it was way too prog for Maiden.
And someone forgot to shitcan Jannick Gers. He's so useless. He's a so-so
player and Maiden already has the Great Adrian Smith. They just wont
shitcan him because he plays football with them.
Brave New World wasn't a bad album in terms of musical ability or how
they sounded. All of that was great. Maiden needs Martin Birch.
Martin Birch is more important than Eddie.

In fact i find it to be one of the best of their LPs among PoM, TNoTB, SSoTSS.
My fav's are Piece of Mind, Number too, but I love Somewhere in Time
and Powerslave a lot. Seventh Son was good, I'd agree.

Song writing is very mature (like IM themselves:Spin: ), I like almost every track there - of corz world has heard better LP's openers from IM then Wicker Man
The single remix of Wicker Man IMO was better. They made a few little
differences and that version should have been the album version. Sounded
way better, more rockin.

and I cannot really understand why they still keep on playing The Brave New World song during their gigs
me either. shrug. I'd substitute Brave New World for Wasted Years or
something better.

- it is my least favourite track of that LP -but the rest of the album is IMO very, very good - especially - THE DREAM OF MIRRORS which is a killer Maiden song, Mercenary, Blood Brothers (like the solo) and also the rest is on a very high level.
I couldnt stand Blood Brothers. IMO it was incredibly gay. They even
played it live. On the Brave New World Tour they played nothing
from the Somewhere in Time record, but they played "we're blood brothers..."
shrug. I liked the bass parts on Nomad. The songwriting is good and the
production was very polished, a good comeback record many fans would
say but IMO, it's 'flat' sounding in comparison to SIT and PS, and way too
prog and no power chords isn't the standard of quality I expect from Iron
Maiden. I'm a total Maiden snob. A lot of how they're doing things on their
songs sounds they dont move forward from where they left
off with Adrian (who departed after SSoaSS) but they're copying their old
parts. They're all still great musicians and I'm hoping that Bruce Dickinson
will put away the gay-Robin costume, and they'll shitcan Kevin Shirley and
they'll beg Martin to come back from retirement and stop playing golf and
make Maiden as powerful as they once were....and their setlist could use some work. And for gods sakes, shitcan Jannick. He's such a twit the way
he runs around on stage doing his high karate kicks and fist pumping and
fighting the big robot Eddie. Jannick is so cheese.

*reps soulflypl*
Mister Officer Nice-
no, its NOT my bf in that picture. he stayed home while i was in New York (things are not so good lately. happy? )

and NO, i havent seen maiden untill last Monday.
you're right- i travelled so much, worked for metal magazines and lables, been EVERYWHERE
i never had luck with maiden!
everytime they had a european tour- i missed them.
everytime i travelled - i somehow managed to get where they were- 2 days after,
it was like a bad karma on my head with maiden.....
all my friends used to laugh about it, u know?
since im such a big fan- and ALWAYS something came up and somehow i couldnt go...
one time it was my best friend's wedding in Holland (with all due respect maiden, my friend is on my top priorities) one time i had to go home ASAP because my grandmother passed away.... there was always something.
and finally.
last monday - i saw them !!!! it was 100% joy.

oh, and no, i wasnt in the gig when that dumb ass spilled beer on the amps.
they played soooo good! my god!
i had such a great time.
Dead_Lioness said:
Mister Officer Nice-
Mister? why so formal...are you mad at me?...Girls get formal like that when they're mad. Don't be happy :) I got mad love for you girl! :)

no, its NOT my bf in that picture.
big caps? relax. It's just a question. I wanted to see a pic that's all.

he stayed home while i was in New York (things are not so good lately. happy? )
happy? I hope you're not implying I derive happiness from other people's
misery. Happy? No, I'm not happy. I hate to see people go through
relationship unhappiness, politely described. I've been through it myself,
as shocking as that sounds, and in real life I'm a big sap for happy endings.
No offense taken. BTW, rumor has it, you're overdue? congrats. :)

and NO, i havent seen maiden untill last Monday.
you're right- i travelled so much, worked for metal magazines and lables, been EVERYWHERE yet,i never had luck with maiden!
I'd say there was plenty of luck....bad luck. :(

it was like a bad karma on my head with maiden.....
all my friends used to laugh about it, u know?
I'd laugh too. I kinda sorta have now. :) I'd say you need to make
ammends with the Maiden Gods. Your karma is so bent.

one time it was my best friend's wedding in Holland (with all due respect maiden, my friend is on my top priorities)
I'm sure Harris and Dick forgive you. They're Brits. They're quite
well mannered blokes.

last monday - i saw them !!!! it was 100% joy.
that's very cool. I'm really happy for you, you finally got to see 'em.

oh, and no, i wasnt in the gig when that dumb ass spilled beer on the amps.
for a sec, I thought it might have been you :)

they played soooo good! my god!
i had such a great time.
Very good then. And as long as Bruce didnt trip into the drum riser,
I'd say it was an awesome gig. Please tell Bruce to not wear the Gay-Robin
costume. What does Pyrus say? Oy Guvalt?
And dont worry...I still got plenty of mad love for you.:)
...overdue, or not. :)

*reps DL*
Boy you got close.........For a girl!..........Nice job, looks like you could be a professional Photographer.......I've seen alot worse from some Pro's........
Looks like your drinking Dark Beer........Yuck! are just one of the guys!
officernice- remember how we said once that sarcasm doesnt go well through the internet ?
i was just being sarcastic about the "mister" and "happy"
thanks btw.
i dont like to be unhappy myself, we'll see what happens....

Deadly Embrace! hehehe yeah im onw of the guys! *lol* im drinking Guinness :D

btw: :wave:
Dead_Lioness said:
officernice- remember how we said once that sarcasm doesnt go well through the internet ?
I recall you did a few weeks back yes.

i was just being sarcastic about the "mister" and "happy"
girl you need tags! Like dis:

<sarcasm> sarcastic statement here </sarcasm>

there you go. Happy Day. [/QUOTE]
nice pics!
i too saw them recently, last week to be exact. their performance and enthusiasm were excellent like usual and well worth braving the cold to see. my only grievance is their setlist; ive seen them twice in the past 6 months and nothings really changed...the same old 'classics' and the vast majority of the songs are from the newer material.
I actually enjoyed arch enemy a little better and was surprised how well they were received by the 10 000+ on hand.
Here's Maidens setlist from the Brave New World Tour.
In Order.

Ghost of the Navigator
Brave New World
2 Minutes To Midnight
Blood Brothers
Sign of the Cross
The Mercenary
The Trooper
Dream of Mirrors
The Klansmen
The Evil That Men Do
Fear of the Dark
Iron Maiden
The Number of the Beast
Hallowed Be Thy Name

Iron Maiden No Prayer on The Road, 1991.
In Order.

Tailgunner (Shoot that fukker!)
Public Enema Number One
Die With Your Boots On
Hallowed Be Thy Name
22 Acacia Avenue
Holy Smoke
No Prayer For the Dying
The Clairvoyant
Two Minutes to Midnight
The Trooper
Heaven Can Wait
Iron Maiden
The Number of the Beast
Bring Your Daughter to the Slaughter
Run to the Hills
Hey there OfficerN!

The Blood brothers indeed is a pretty slow song and far from - what i understand you like the most which are some reasonable power chords - ...but i still like the solo :Spin: ...and what is even worse - i think it is actually Janick's solo there if i am not mistaken :Spin: - at least he was the one who played it during Brave New World Tour:cool:

hope i don't need some ON Camp training after that statement :Spin: :Smokin:

and with one thing you are actually wrong:
they played one song from SiT during 1991 tour (they even played the same one during Give me Ed til i am dead tour)
it is even mentioned on your list!
It is Heaven can wait

*\m/ ON*

DL - there more i watch the pics the more i like them - especially the Trooper one

*\m/ DL*