Finally watched Bowling for Columbine...

Papa Josh

Minister of Propaganda
And I realized, after watching that film, that I really, really do want to move to Canada. The idea of watching news that doesn't report murder, murder, rape, murder, murder, murder, murder appeals to me.

But upon doing research into it, it looks like getting into the country to live is gonna be a big bitch.....
Bowling for Columbine gave me some respect for Moore... but when I saw F911, I realized that he is a fat piece of shit. "Hey kids! Listen to me- I'll give you the truth... after I edit it, that is!"
I am moving to Canada when I graduate. My family is going to buy property in New Hampshire, and I'm going to College in the big C. So essentially we're all migrating north... and in 6 years I can drop my citizenship in the USA.
I wasn't trying to be epic with that comment. I just have a problem with some of the stuff moore does - there's been extensive research proving that a lot of the information he has used was either false or out of context. Sure, some of it is true and presented in an excellent way... but the rest is questionable.
Marksveld said:
I wasn't trying to be epic with that comment. I just have a problem with some of the stuff moore does - there's been extensive research proving that a lot of the information he has used was either false or out of context. Sure, some of it is true and presented in an excellent way... but the rest is questionable.
So is 98% of what the American media presents to its citizens as news. And just what is it that you've found to be inaccurate?
Moore just presents the material in a way that gives the viewer a very slanted point of view. Kinda like every single news medium in America, and just like every single politically motivated individual or organization.
J. said:
Moore just presents the material in a way that gives the viewer a very slanted point of view. Kinda like every single news medium in America, and just like every single politically motivated individual or organization.

What was inaccurate in F9/11? Or rather, what was "sexed up" as the British politicians say...

I haven't seen the other films that negate the theories of Moore, but I was just wondering which bits were considered debatable, particularly anything related to Enron or Haliburton.
J. said:
Moore just presents the material in a way that gives the viewer a very slanted point of view. Kinda like every single news medium in America, and just like every single politically motivated individual or organization.
I thought that went without saying with Moore films!

I'm going to Canada on holiday this year :) looking forward to it!
Crimson Velvet said:
Same here, although I take everything stated in Farenheit with a pinch of salr.
Yeah, but why? Are people actually disputing whether George Bush sat for 7 minutes after being told the country was under attack, or that he went AWOL, or that there are ties to the Saudis, or Cheney's background with Haliburton etc?

Where is everyone getting the other side of the argument, because I'd like to see/read that too, just to balance it out.
I still don't see the big deal of him sitting there for a few minutes with the kids, what was he supposed to do, run around screaming and freaking out the children?

Everything else though yeah, he's giant penis. I couldn't really find anything to dispute from F9/11, and I'm a pretty big skeptic when it comes to people like Moore. So that means he completely duped me and is a master of propoganda, or Bush is a giant fucking vagina.

EDIT: Paging Dr. Freud, Dr. Sigmund Freud...