Finally watched Bowling for Columbine...

Nate The Great said:
While you're trying to get close enough to hit somebody with a bat, some dude with a .357 magnum blows your skull in two from 25 yards.

But I suppose you could hide the bat under your invisible cloak.
He would bite your ear.
The Ultimate in Home Defense:


lizard help me out, looking for that flying cat jumping baby cry cut gif. You know.
Your logic is flawed if you think guns are the problem. In risk of sounding cliche, People kill people, not fucking guns. I'd like to add a big fat DUH! to that statement.

The original purpose of the right to bear arms in this country was for "the people" to have self defense against the government, if it ever stepped out of line and went wacky. I guess those days are long gone though. :(
fotmbm said:
Come on guys, going to a bar would be a LOT more exciting if you knew everyone had an uzi in their pocket
I've been to a few bars where this is the general assumption. It's actually kinda fun, yeah.

One of my buddy's was arrested on attempted murder charges last night because he gave some punk kid his 9mm and the dude tried to shoot someone. HAHAHAHAHHA what a fucking tool. Nobody was hurt so I can laugh. :loco: