Finally watched Bowling for Columbine...

One Inch Man said:
I still don't see the big deal of him sitting there for a few minutes with the kids, what was he supposed to do, run around screaming and freaking out the children?
I think most people were uncomfortable with the fact that he said he used that time to pray.
I think that would make a lot of people happy, his voters anyhow. praying praying praying praying praying RED STATE RED STATE

What I think, based on assumption and self-conjecture: mufucker's dumber than dogshit, he sat there for so long thinking:
W's brain (on dumb) said:
until it sunk in 7 minutes later. "Golly!"

I think that particular moment is lose-lose though, no matter his reaction someone would've damned him because he did _____ instead of _____. Which is fine, I don't want to defend Bushy. :Spin:
JayKeeley said:
Yeah, but why? Are people actually disputing whether George Bush sat for 7 minutes after being told the country was under attack, or that he went AWOL, or that there are ties to the Saudis, or Cheney's background with Haliburton etc?

Where is everyone getting the other side of the argument, because I'd like to see/read that too, just to balance it out.

Don't get me wrong, for I have no love Bush and co, but I've been shown all these articles and rants about facts that's been edited or left out.

This, for example:

I didn't read that entire article, but I think it illustrates my point fairly enough.

I doubt that anti-Moorians are any more honest or any less manipulative than Moore himself, but it seems to me that too much have been proven wrong in this film for it to be used as a political bible.

But, I still salute any man who tries to end Bush's reign.

Four more years... :erk:
For the record - I myself am extremely anti-Bush, I just happen to not be a Moore fan. But to quote Crimson Velvet-

"... I will still salute any man who tries to end Bush's reign."
He could have at least told the children that he had emergency business to attend to as nonspecifically as possible, anything would have made him seem more intelligent than doing nothing at all. And yet this is the person we were supposed to rally behind and entrust to prevent further acts of terrorism...
If Bowling for Columbine gave you any respect for Moore... ok, I'm not even gonna go there. I'm not really a Moore hater, I just didn't like Columbine, and not only because it presented an extremely biased view in documentary form. I didn't like that most of the film seemed to be common sense/things most people already knew. The film didn't "wow" me like something in that vein is probably supposed to. It was boring, but if it made people want to move to Canada, all the better! So I didn't see "F9/11" simply because I didn't like the one I did see, so why bother with another one? For the price of a movie, I could buy a CD or a few beers! I saw parts of Roger and Me in my urban studies class, and it seemed a little more interesting, but nothing to call home about.
One Inch Man said:
I still don't see the big deal of him sitting there for a few minutes with the kids, what was he supposed to do, run around screaming and freaking out the children?
he didn't need to freak out the children, just stand up, excuse himself, and get his staff moving on collecting information. his nation, which he, and I by the way are sworn to protect, was under fucking attack, and he showed not one iota of ... anything. a complete absence of emotion.

Since we're talking about Bowling for Columbine, which deals with guns and violence in America, I thought I would post a picture of the gun I am hoping to get soon.


I'm looking at pistols in this style, but they don't necessarily have to be a .45 caliber. I'd go as small as .357. I will eventually put a laser sight on it as well.

What will I use this for? Coyotes, badgers, bob cats, bad guys, etc.
Dead coyotes... :(

I still don't know if I like guns. I mean I do, but I don't. Don't own any, yet. Probably wait until I have kids.
Papa Josh said:
Guns are for pussies that can't fight.
Coyotes and bob cats kill new-born calves taking away my income. Guns kill coyotes and/or bobcats first.

Plus, its a fact that people try to rob farmers in this area. There are VERY few people, and stupid people will drive from many miles away to try to rob a persons farm. Thus, a pistol is better intimidation than my fists.

If somebody sticks a gun to my face or my wife or kids (someday) face, I will not hesitate to take action. With so little law enforcement and so much area to cover, things like this happen. Nearly everybody owns weapons for self defense where I live.

I wouldn't expect PJ to understand any of that, though. You're more than welcome to show me the proper technique for fighting a would-be theif when he has a gun in my face and I have nothing but my hands. I don't have the military or ninja background you must have.
I'd have lots of guns if I lived in a big open area where the closest neighbor was miles away.
Nate The Great said:
Coyotes and bob cats kill new-born calves taking away my income. Guns kill coyotes and/or bobcats first.

Plus, its a fact that people try to rob farmers in this area. There are VERY few people, and stupid people will drive from many miles away to try to rob a persons farm. Thus, a pistol is better intimidation than my fists.

If somebody sticks a gun to my face or my wife or kids (someday) face, I will not hesitate to take action. With so little law enforcement and so much area to cover, things like this happen. Nearly everybody owns weapons for self defense where I live.

I wouldn't expect PJ to understand any of that, though. You're more than welcome to show me the proper technique for fighting a would-be theif when he has a gun in my face and I have nothing but my hands. I don't have the military or ninja background you must have.
My point is the world is a shit place because of guns. One of the most ridiculous "creations" made by man. Create to destroy....

The weakness of man, since the dawn of time... one man gets his ass kicked, can't take the humility, so he goes and grabs a rock or a stick and it goes downward from there.

Everyone should know that if a guy has a gun to your head, you take the chance and hit that muthafucka right in the balls, bite off an ear or take his fuckin' eyeballs out with your fingers. Primitive jailhouse shit, but it works.
Papa Josh said:
My point is the world is a shit place because of guns. One of the most ridiculous "creations" made by man. Create to destroy....

The weakness of man, since the dawn of time... one man gets his ass kicked, can't take the humility, so he goes and grabs a rock or a stick and it goes downward from there.

Everyone should know that if a guy has a gun to your head, you take the chance and hit that muthafucka right in the balls, bite off an ear or take his fuckin' eyeballs out with your fingers. Primitive jailhouse shit, but it works.
I have no problem with more strict gun control laws, but until then, I feel the need for a hand gun. I only have rifles right now.

By the way, Steve Austin is a huge anti-Bush advocate, and he is also a huge gun collector. He is really into the assault style weapons. I read an interview where he talks about his guns. It kind of scared me.:lol:
Papa Josh said:
Everyone should know that if a guy has a gun to your head, you take the chance and hit that muthafucka right in the balls, bite off an ear or take his fuckin' eyeballs out with your fingers. Primitive jailhouse shit, but it works.
Are you sure? I'd consider the fact that when he goes OOOO!!! and falls over he also accidentally clenches a fist causing him to pull the trigger which in turn causes my wall to be painted in that lovely new brain colour they recommended on America's Most Wanted last week

[/pretending to be american and shit]
the thing about handguns is, if you follow all the recommended safety steps, i.e., pistol unloaded, ammunition in a separate location, trigger lock, a criminal would be in your house, banged your wife, slapped your kid around, cooked lunch and ate it in your kitchen, taken a dump, before you'd even be prepared to fire at him.

the best self defense tool is clearly either a) my war hammer or b) a fucking louisville slugger.
This is my form of self defense:


Never had to use it other than miscellaneous camping activities, thankfully.