Find out if you are going to HELL!

Been to Hell.....Michigan. Actually since I've been married don't I qualify for a "get out of Hell free" card??? :p

BTW....I got a 165. WTF? The stupid thing must be broken...!
MichiMikey said:
Been to Hell.....Michigan. Actually since I've been married don't I qualify for a "get out of Hell free" card??? :p

BTW....I got a 190. WTF? The stupid thing must be broken...!
Married people get job offers from Satan! :heh:
Wasn't that Sam Kinison's theory anyway?
62!!!! Am I such a boring asshole or what??? This means I use my right hand like anyone else, but it's only one fuckin point from "being not too much fun on a date!" That sucks. Where did you guys get THAT high score??
On the other hand, I did pretty good score on that serial killer test...:lol:
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
Don't worry, Johnnie, I got a 69. We can be lame together!! :D a pretty good number!! :lol: But still, I was slightly outdone by married 2 kids mother...that's depressing.