DT Returns to US <--- If You Are Going, Post Here

Originally posted by ShadowLioness

Grrrrrrrrreat pics!!! Glad the one of me, Wendy, her friend Tim and John from Nile came out...my hair looks so friggin' RED!!:eek: :lol:

What's with that one pic of Mikael...he's smiling on stage and there's this rainbow of what looks like hair in front of him...either it was one of those punk rocker dudes or it was this one girl I kept seeing with the crazy rainbow dreads. It actually looks pretty cool in the picture!:grin:

thanks Rachel. :) most of the stage shots seem too dark on some monitors though. it's like the same problem i had with scanned disposable camera pics. :\ the pic of you and Epi is one of the better ones. btw, i think your hair looks fine. :D

as for the hair spikes in the dt stage shot.... heh, yeah, that was some guy or girl with very long spikeys. now do you know why i wish to be taller at shows? ;) with camera in hand or without i'd still like to be able to see over these behemoth and/or spikey f**kers!
You are absolutely welcome! I tell ya I have not fuddled with my digi-cam yet...I think you have been handling yours a LOT better than I will handle mine:lol: .

Believe it or not I wish I could be taller at shows too!!! Grrrrrr...the TALLEST mother*&^*&%^ always seems to find me. Ah well.

AH thanks for the reassurance on my hair:grin: .

Back to the grind.....
Originally posted by ShadowLioness
You are absolutely welcome! I tell ya I have not fuddled with my digi-cam yet...I think you have been handling yours a LOT better than I will handle mine:lol: .

you should break that thing out this weekend at the RockHouse! will you be coming out for some CHI \m/etal on Saturday? :D

Believe it or not I wish I could be taller at shows too!!! Grrrrrr...the TALLEST mother*&^*&%^ always seems to find me. Ah well.

can you imagine how i feel then? :(

AH thanks for the reassurance on my hair:grin: .

nice color! and i didn't mean "fine" as in texture fine. i meant fine as in fiiiiine. :)
Kinda surprised to see my thread up here on the page, specially as I haven't been here in a few weeks. But anyway... Going to the NY show on Tuesday... but...

Something Important: Where'd the DT Forum Member STICKERS go?... I WANT MY NAME TAG! :( How else will they find me :(

Originally posted by Kovenant84
Something Important: Where'd the DT Forum Member STICKERS go?... I WANT MY NAME TAG! :( How else will they find me :(

wb kovenant84. :)
check the link in the rules thread at the top of the page: i tried it right now and it still works. or else look for a post by sunjammer and click the same link in his signature. please let me know if there are problems so that i can edit the thread. :)

Originally posted by Kovenant84
Something Important: Where'd the DT Forum Member STICKERS go?... I WANT MY NAME TAG! :( How else will they find me :(

That's the right attitude! :cool: I hope you manage to find it before you go to the concert - and wear it with pride! :grin:

Originally posted by wildfyr
you should break that thing out this weekend at the RockHouse! will you be coming out for some CHI \m/etal on Saturday? :D

can you imagine how i feel then? :(

nice color! and i didn't mean "fine" as in texture fine. i meant fine as in fiiiiine. :)

What's going on at the Rockhouse? I have been soooooo preoccupied with personal things in my life that getting an IE this month has been the furthest thing from my mind, ugh. I am utterly clueless.

I will gladly give you three inches of my height:grin: .
Originally posted by wildfyr
thanks Rachel. :) most of the stage shots seem too dark on some monitors though. it's like the same problem i had with scanned disposable camera pics. :\ the pic of you and Epi is one of the better ones. btw, i think your hair looks fine. :D

as for the hair spikes in the dt stage shot.... heh, yeah, that was some guy or girl with very long spikeys. now do you know why i wish to be taller at shows? ;) with camera in hand or without i'd still like to be able to see over these behemoth and/or spikey f**kers!

Your always welcome to sit on my shoulders :p.

Nick(a behemoth fucker)
Rachel: The Chasm/Forest of Impaled/Disinter/Sapphist/Insurrection on Saturday. it may not be your cup of tea, but i hope you decide to come out. if you like what you hear then maybe you'll want to roadtrip with me to Indy the following Saturday (15th) for the Abyss Fest because some of those bands are playing. :)

NickTheFriendlyBehemoth: thanks for the shoulder offer but you have already proven your gentle-man-ly skills by standing aside for me, and i appreciate it immensely! thanks!! *kiss kiss* :grin:
meh, i forgot about the name tags before the show. it's a very nice piece but i still probably wouldn't have worn it. i don't think i even introduced myself when i asked for signatures. (sorry about that!) :goggly:

to them i guess i was just some random fan who happened to be carrying a lot of their CD covers around that night. :p

ok. i went through my pics from Jan 31 again and salvaged a few. there's one of Devin that isn't too bad i guess (#3)




don't know why but the whole ND set was dismal for pics...

plus i added 3 more to the dt directory. (blurry stuff. #8 would have been a good shot too. :waah: )
Originally posted by wildfyr
Rachel: The Chasm/Forest of Impaled/Disinter/Sapphist/Insurrection on Saturday. it may not be your cup of tea, but i hope you decide to come out. if you like what you hear then maybe you'll want to roadtrip with me to Indy the following Saturday (15th) for the Abyss Fest because some of those bands are playing. :)

Ahhhh, ok. You are right, maybe not necessarily my cup of tea. I believe Disinter played at metalfest, no? I missed them and have heard lots of good things about them. Considering the wreckage that is the rest of my life at the current moment, it may be good for me to get out of the house for a while this evening....hmmm.
Rachel: sorry i didn't see you last night. it was a great show! :hotjump: a very NICE turnout. the place was pretty full but not as full as when Arch Enemy, In Flames, or Vader played, but still crowded though. i have a ton of pics (i even ran out of memory space, first time ever!) but i'm going to need more Web space if i'm going to post them all, especially if i'm going to make pages for them. ;)
Rebecca: I didn't make it to the show last night:( ...I just couldn't get myself to leave the house, bleeeechhhhh. Glad to hear that the turnout was good! We'll be waiting for your pics:) .

<bounces happily around room>

Now, for missing class, they better play more than 3 songs or something... and I better get to meet them!!!!

:p (me still wonders what happens if one of them actually recognizes my sn... i think i might pass out...)

Oh, and thanks Rahv... it still works... I just couldn't remember who made them. :cool:

Sorry I haven't been around much... not fun stuff happening here, not to mention that my gf and I broke up... 2 days before our 5 month anniversary. :( ... but I think we'll still be friends... and maybe someday we'll be together again. Anyway... hope I'll have the time to lurk here more often...

Till then...
~The Kovenant
Originally posted by ShadowLioness
Rebecca: I didn't make it to the show last night:( ...I just couldn't get myself to leave the house, bleeeechhhhh. Glad to hear that the turnout was good! We'll be waiting for your pics:) .

:( you should have come out. maybe it would have lifted your spirits. ??

well, here's the deal concerning pics an' stuff:

400 MB Web space
30 GB Transfer
300 email (heh, like i need that many)
CGI Library
Server Side Includes
Log Files + Site Stats
Acct Control Panel
Password Protected Directories

RA + Video
Streaming Audio
MM Shockwave
MIME Types


should i go for it? :D i might be in the mood for a new ISP soon too, if these lame-ass connection speeds i'm getting with my current provider continue. it's not good. in fact, it sucks.

more later... (maybe much later :\ )