DT Returns to US <--- If You Are Going, Post Here

hey does anyone who has gone to any of the shows on this current tour know what merch Dark Tranquillity has?

like shirt designs or sweatshirts or anything

Hey Nick, I took ppics last night so I'll let you know when they're posted. I feel so bad you can't go to the show. A lot of people last night didn't get in either... There were about 300 people in line that COULDN'T get in. Yikes.

Unforgiven... They have a long and short sleeve "tour" shirt that has the Damage Done cover on it and some artwork on the back, but no tour dates on it. They had another shirt as well that I couldn't see too well (the merch was sold outside), but I know it had a small emblem with a blue background on a black shirt... That one was only short sleeve. They also sell the Damage Done and Haven cds.
Originally posted by wildfyr
ehhm. no can do on the pics.
no photog credentials i'm afraid.

try asking the guys. if they remember you from the board they might try and give you a pass.

@nick: i'm very sorry. :cry: sneak out? call in sick? try again?

They had one or two things different last time, but I can't remember what it was. But yah, you're probably right. I don't remember the second (none DD) shirt though. They damned long sleeves only come in XL, but I bought it anyway. Usually European LS are realllllllllllllly long, like to my knees or past them, but this one is a lot shorter, only to the middle of my thighs. I'm a little happier. :p
@Nick: DOOOOOOOOOOOOD...you must find a way to go!!! That isn't fair and just should not be!!!

@Rebecca: I guess the Vic doesn't allow cameras unless you have a pass eh??? Man I was debating trying out my new digital cam...booooooooooooooo. :(
Rachel: afaik they don't. i believe they have the Pen Gestapo on duty as well. it's gonna suck. :yell:

Squeak: thanks! we'll have see what there is to see come Friday i guess.
Originally posted by wildfyr
rahve: do you think that will work? :eek:

well, if you manage to meet niklas before the show tell him you're wildfyr from the board, you've got a camera, you're the forum's only chance for fresh pictures and if there's any chance he can let you have a pass to stay in the photographers' area.
you might want to add that you know me :cool: :p :p

OMG. holy cow! really? the only chance huh? somehow i doubt that but maybe i'll give it a try anyway. :D i don't have any dt pics to speak of in my personal collection.

by the way, thanks for letting me use your name for dropping purposes. :grin:
Originally posted by wildfyr
Rachel: afaik they don't. i believe they have the Pen Gestapo on duty as well. it's gonna suck. :yell:


Good luck with the photo priviledges quest;) . We're countin' on you Rebecca!!!:D
the show was great but much too short. they need to HEADLINE!

*i got there after 6 PM so i missed The Berserker and part of SYL. (don't ask)

* somehow i got my camera, CD covers, and pens in without detection by security. woohoo! however, most of the pics i took blow chunks. :Puke: i'm still bungling a lot of shots. flash, focus, zoom and centering issues for starters. i dunno, i guess i'm a spazz with the button, or something. that and the stage lighting didn't seem all that great, but maybe that was just me. :zombie: i didn't specifically ask anyone if i could take pics but some of the security guys up front were cool about it, others were not. one of them told me i could use the camera but not the flash. :lol: thanks guy! :wave: maybe next time i'll ask, like rahvin suggested. maybe then i'll be standing in front of those security guys. :grin:

*i saw most of the dt guys hanging out in the venue and i got Michael, Mikael, and Martin H. to sign some things for me. i also saw Niklas and Anders at one point before Nile came on and i should have asked them for some signage then because i didn't see them later on. :waah: (my own dumbass fault.)

maybe next time?

oh yeah, some PICS!

i scanned a few of my newly signed covers today and thought i'd share. :)

Anders' signature has some company on this one now:

it seems that given the choice between the Sharpie and the new silver and gold fine-point paint pens, the pen of choice last Friday was... the Sharpie! :heh: Jesper's sig now has some company on the Lunar Strain cover in black Sharpie ink so it's difficult to see, but it's there! :D



-rh (more to follow later...)

Grrrrrrrrreat pics!!! Glad the one of me, Wendy, her friend Tim and John from Nile came out...my hair looks so friggin' RED!!:eek: :lol:

What's with that one pic of Mikael...he's smiling on stage and there's this rainbow of what looks like hair in front of him...either it was one of those punk rocker dudes or it was this one girl I kept seeing with the crazy rainbow dreads. It actually looks pretty cool in the picture!:grin:
Well, if you look at nile12 fans1.jeg, I am on the far left with the beer in my hand (as always, hehe, my girlie Episode666 is next to me, her friend Tim is below me and of course there's John from Nile on the lower right:grin: