So, I play drums in this Prog/Metal band. We recently had to get rid of our rhythm guitar player of 2 years. He has a wonderful child, a very intense job, and was "slowlys unlearnings the's guitars" as some would say.

So, now we are on this man hunt (while tracking the album!) to find our live player/the guy who is going to grow with the band and be able to help us write.

HELP!? No matter who we try, it seems no one has the chops or knows their craft around here. It's driving me insane!

I don't wanna toot my own bands horn. But, I;d like to think my guitarist is a very skilled individual. It's been a problem finding to keep up with him. This problem has been going on for about 5 years now though.

We're from Akron, Ohio so craigslist is a joke. Word of mouth has got us close. is a joke.


There is a small clip of some drums and 2 guitar takes on our bandmix profile. Give it a listen?

For those of you interested in any of the production side of this. It's natural drums with 2 takes of the same riff through on older model Mesa Dual rec rackmount head(both are going to be paned left after tracking the 2nd guitar ect).
Your bands music is great. Much more difficult than the average metal/hard rock.

Is having two guitar players necessary for your band?

Maybe a keyboard player instead (assuming you don't already have one).
hey great music. I would join in if there wouldn't be like thousands of miles between me and the rehearsal room ;)
I'd say keep spreading the word, go to gigs often and talk to the people there.
Well thanks for the positive feedback on the tunes, guys. A lot of the local guys are either taken or cant keep up. But, yeah. We'll keep looking.

We've written ourselves into a corner with a lot of we kinda need the 2nd guitar live...trying not to do all the other guitars on a backing track.

Keys would be cool. But, I would think that would be a harder search.

Any of you sneapsters wanna move to Ohio? We'll hook you up lol
Had exactly the same problem a while back, tried cross cutters first but they kept jamming up and the straight cut ones just burn out after a while! :)

No seriously, just keep looking, from my experience there's usually loads of top notch guitarist out there, you just need to get the word out, have you tried leaving an advert in a place bands practice? your lucky its not a vocalist, there like finding a needle in a haystack!
Dude if I didn't live in Virginia... I'd dig it because I had a prog group that kinda imploded. Alas, so did my thrash group (gonna try to make a comeback with them though).