Finding money for a album

Well the time is coming for my band Dimaura to record our first cd. We may be recording at Smiley Sounds Studios with Curran Murphy. Maybe.

So, in witch case its time to start finding money.

A private investor is probably going to be the best route. What are some of the best avenues to take in this situation? Say relatives are out of the question, where would you guys look next?
I'm going to jump in here and kind of derail this thread a slight bit.

Why are you recording an album?

I read this really interesting take on how to go about doing things within a band situation... anyway here is an except from that.

"There are millions of bands and an abundance of music out there. It’s always been a challenge to get and keep people’s attention, but today it’s even harder. You can torrent an album in 2 minutes and not even listen to half the tracks, because you just downloaded 20 albums in an afternoon.

Albums are usually a collection of songs. They’re considered great if only if the songs are great. It’s the songs that matter, not the entity known as an album. Sure, you can design an album that’s meant to be listened from front to back, but typically that’s only going to appeal to people after they’ve become fans of the songs themselves.

Admitting your songs aren’t that good can be a bitter pill to swallow, but ultimately a necessary one. Be honest with yourself: If you have 2 or 3 songs you really believe in and the others aren’t there yet, then why make an album?"