Looking to do task for some money$

Shaun Werle

Dec 30, 2009
Brodheadsville PA
Hey guys i am trying to get some money together because i totaled my car so i am trying to do some possible mixing, mastering, editing, in between the time of my sessions, I had a band cancel a good solid 3 days of recording so I am not going to make the amount i am trying to get by march

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5865601/Joe Rydell Mastered.mp3

I have a whole bunch of other stuff in the process of being mixed/tracked

I work best with heavier music. But i'll give anything a try.

Thanks guys!

I would like to note that i am not a professorial, and there's obviously better people on here but if you like how my stuff comes out than feel free to let me know if your interested in having me do some stuff for you, or your bands ep. If your over booked up and need some help, let me know. I just think i could be making some more money on the side in the mean time!
Wow, I dig the mix! Sound awesome.

Don't listen to him about not being professional, but take a listen to the song. :)

Thanks man! :P yeah man if you have a band you need to get mixed or you are in a band and you do your own stuff and want me to mix it just let me know, I need some extra money on the side!

But thanks man