How to save money

Jun 26, 2009
New Jersey
I just realized that I only have 50 dollars to laast me the next week and a half so I can make my rent. All I really need to do is eat as far as money. I was thinking about stocking up on deli meat. How do you guys manage to get by when you have no cash?
$50--head to Walmart, they have soda cases on sale ($6.50 or something), get some chef boyardee spaghetti (usually $1), loaf of bread, some peanut butter and jelly, and some banquet frozen dinners (85 cents). Spend like $30 on food and the rest on beer (again on sale at Walmart Labatts Blue case $19.96)
Yeah, don't waste your money on processed, packaged food.
Check out local markets, buy fresh produce, learn to cook pasta and curry, other various stuff that's nutritious, tastes good and fills you up. grow some herbs on your windowsill too.

and side from that, as has been said before, cook in large batches and freeze. youll get by on the 50 no probs that way
1st off .....

4 cans whole crushed tomatoes - $3-$4
4 cans tomato puree - $2
2 cans tomato paste - $1
2 Cloves of Garlic - $1 - $2
2 lbs linguine or spaghetti noodles - $2
2 lbs elbow macaroni - $2
2 lbs ground beef 80-20 - $10
4 cans tuna - $2
1 jar mayo - $1
2 cans chopped black olives - $1
Celery salt - $0.50
Salt - $0.50
Pepper - $0.50
Italian seasoning - $1
Crushed Basil - $1
Rosemary - $0.50
Parsley - $0.50

Ok so take the cans of tomato and put them in a big pot, crush garlic set to side. Add All of the Garlic, and about 2 to 3 tbsp each of Italian seasoning, bay leaves, basil, parsley. Add ground beef, bring to a boil, once it boils reduce to a simmer and let sit for 4 to 8 hours. This will cook the beef, release the fat and add flavor :) Now take some old jars and put the extra sauce you aren't using right now in the freezer! That should last you at least 2 weeks. Boil water, add some salt and cook up enough pasta to eat for 1 meal. Take enough sauce for 1 meal put on pasta and enjoy. FYI you could buy some good parmasan or romano too put on the pasta as well.

Ok now take the 1 lb elbow mac, boil water, put in mac, cook until they are cooked, drain pasta and run cold water over it. Add tuna, olives, celery salt and black pepper and rosemary about 2 to 3 tbsp each. Eat and enjoy, whatever you don't finish put in fridge that's your lunch for the week. the following week repeat.

Hearty healthy and good for you :)

Thats about $30, now you can take the other $20 and buy some bread, milk, cereal, and a snack.
I spend 50 bucks in like two days foodwise. If you find the secret let me know. :/

Stop eating packaged processed foods ;)

No Fast food, even the $5 you spend at subway is $10 a day if you have it twice. For $10 you can buy a weeks worth of pasta and spices to make it 4 or 5 different ways

Rice and Curry works too, make your own curry, very easy and inexpensive, add beans or cubed meat / chicken if you want protein thats about another $10

Thats $20 that will feed you for a good week at least between the 2
REAL garlic...not that jarred pre-diced garbage. It doesn't even taste like garlic and has no bite. In fact, stay away from any pre-cut, pre-prepped, pre-washed produce. You'll pay for the convenience, and it's not worth it. When you buy chicken, buy a whole chicken and cut it up yourself. It's cheaper than buying a package of breasts or whatever parts.
Stop eating packaged processed foods ;)

No Fast food, even the $5 you spend at subway is $10 a day if you have it twice. For $10 you can buy a weeks worth of pasta and spices to make it 4 or 5 different ways

Rice and Curry works too, make your own curry, very easy and inexpensive, add beans or cubed meat / chicken if you want protein thats about another $10

Thats $20 that will feed you for a good week at least between the 2

Hhahaha You don't know much about me dude.

I don't eat fast food unless I'm on tour.
I eat many times a day, more or less like a fucking horse.
A $15 dollar pack of chicken lasts about 2 days. I'm not complaining I just could never make 50 bones last a week and a half or whatever.
I've been super-poor more than once, and I've got the answer to your question, wich half of it have already been answered.

1) Buy pastas [and ask your mom for some of her spaghetti sauce if possible] and rice.

2) Buy breakfast. Cereals [good ones, not Froot Loops], bread, fruits, eggs, whatever. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and a good breakfast can save your day.

3) MOST IMPORTANT THING, this I've learned from experience, it's what saved my ass more than once when I had 15-20 bucks for my week: DRINK COFFEE, all day long, you won't be near half hungry as you usually are.
Caffeine stops the hunger, and when you drink coffee, you're not thinking about eating. Cheap coffee does the tricks very well (Maxwell House, for example), and for less than 10 bucks, you'll save 20-30 bucks a week on food, and your can of coffee will last you at least 2-3 weeks. If you don't currently drink coffee, or don't like it, I strongly suggest that you get use to the taste of it...NOW!

Thank me later :D
I just realized that I only have 50 dollars to laast me the next week and a half so I can make my rent. All I really need to do is eat as far as money. I was thinking about stocking up on deli meat. How do you guys manage to get by when you have no cash?

$50?! For a week and a half? Fuck, that's my monthly food budget :lol:

Pasta. A 1lb box is good for 4-5 meals, and add a touch of garlic, butter, and salt, and you have a delicious meal. At the Publix near me, they regularly run pasta at ~$.070 on sale.

Chicken. In my area, walmart has 10lb bag of chicken legs for $6.

Watch out for deals...

Tortillas are cheaper per ounce than bread and are more healthy, and also a bit more versatile as far as wrapping foods up.

Right now in my area walmart has tilapia and swai (Chinese catfish) on sale at 2lbs for $6.50. Awesome deal for delicious easy and quick meals.

Here is what I typically do... For dinner I make 2 cups of steamed rice and bake chicken (one leg is perfect for dinner). 2 cups of rice is something like 8 servings or more maybe. Eat one serving, store the rest in the fridge.

Take that rice, scramble two eggs and make fried rice. Delicious for breakfast lunch and dinner! And you can radically alter how it tastes by adding vegetables, spices, meats, etc... I've recently experimented and found that barbeque sauce, ketchup, mustard, and mayonaise make for an awesome mix.
Hhahaha You don't know much about me dude.

I don't eat fast food unless I'm on tour.
I eat many times a day, more or less like a fucking horse.
A $15 dollar pack of chicken lasts about 2 days. I'm not complaining I just could never make 50 bones last a week and a half or whatever.

Eat more pasta and rice, they fill you up fast and are cheap. I put rice in almost EVERYTHING, granted you need to work the starches out with exercise, but it works.