Saving Money With Central Air Conditioning

Jun 26, 2009
New Jersey
Starting up another thread on how to save money cause im broke as a joke once again.

I wanted to ask a question to those of you who are blessed with central air like me. Is it cheaper to keep it on say 75 24/7 or turning it off when i am not home? I hear it costs more money to turn it off cause it takes alot of power to turn my unit off and on. I cant really experiment this idea cause it may end up costing me alot of money lol. Can anyone chime in on this?

Thanks in advance again to anyone saving me money

BTW i checked google and couldnt get the answer i was looking for (maybe im just too tired lol)
if you keep cutting it off it will have to work harder to catch up to whatever temp you set it at once you turn it back on which may lead to shortening the life of the system.
My new apartment is in the sunlight from 11am and 9pm. In the late afternoon it gets up to 85 on the hottest days. My geckos and pregnant wife can't take that kind of heat.

So far what helps is: close all the windows when the AC is running.
Reduce the amount of space that the AC has to cool by closing the bedroom and bathroom doors.
Cover all the windows with curtains. We have blinds and curtains and I'll probably put another layer in the windows this week. Maybe something reflective.
Unfortunately our outside wall is in direct sunlight so long that it warms up through to the inside.

Our AC is a 9000 btu portable 2 hose unit. We only got 1 hose with it used. With 2 hose ACs both hoses go outside the window. One brings in cool air from outside while the other blows hot air from the room out. This cools the room much faster than with a single hose where the AC is using the already cooled air to cool the compressor coils. It cycles the air around it so it takes longer to cool a large space. 2 hoses doesn't work if it's much hotter outside than inside because then it will blow hot air and it's better to use it with a single hose.

Running the AC all day will maybe get it down to 76. It's often hotter inside even with the AC than outside. It doesn't really cool down in here unless we run it overnight. You can try opening the windows at night and closing them during the day. If you're in a safe area. Our place doesn't have screens in the windows.

Fans moving the air helps keep humans cool but doesn't really lower the room temperature unless you create a wind tunnel.

Haven't lived here long enough to get an electrical bill yet.

Cooling your pulse points is a quick way to make you feel less hot without spending any money.