Questions for those of you who make money!


Nov 27, 2008
Leicester/Newcastle Upon Tyne

First of all let me introduce myself, I'm Harry (Aka Saxon), I'm 22 and I'm currently studying Music Production at University in Newcastle (2nd Year) whilst working part time as a Learning Support Assistant (Helping disabled kids).

As part of my course this year I have to undertake a Music Business module in which I have to come up with some sort of business plan. Considering I'm not exactly versed in business I'm here to ask those of you who make money recording, mixing etc how you've done it! So, if you wouldn't mind spending some time giving me some advice, it's be much appreciated :)

Essentially I have two ideas,

1) Start an online mixing, mastering website. (Example samples of my work,

2) My band, making money from merchandise, CDs, online media etc

Or, combine the two.

The questions I'd like to ask are,

1) How did you go about getting started, capital, equipment?

2) How did you go about getting work, was it regular, if so how did you go about it? (successful advertising?)

3) Pitfalls, dangers?

4) Overheads? (Inc anything you didn't expect in the beginning)

5) What do you believe makes your business successful?

6) What do you believe is the future for the market your in? (Less work, more work)

7) Is there anything else you can think of that I might not have included?

8) What is the best way for someone like me to get in to the market, how feasible etc?

First of all let me introduce myself, I'm Harry (Aka Saxon), I'm 22 and I'm currently studying Music Production at University in Newcastle (2nd Year) whilst working part time as a Learning Support Assistant (Helping disabled kids).

As part of my course this year I have to undertake a Music Business module in which I have to come up with some sort of business plan. Considering I'm not exactly versed in business I'm here to ask those of you who make money recording, mixing etc how you've done it! So, if you wouldn't mind spending some time giving me some advice, it's be much appreciated :)

Essentially I have two ideas,

1) Start an online mixing, mastering website. (Example samples of my work,

2) My band, making money from merchandise, CDs, online media etc

Or, combine the two.

The questions I'd like to ask are,

1) How did you go about getting started, capital, equipment?

2) How did you go about getting work, was it regular, if so how did you go about it? (successful advertising?)

3) Pitfalls, dangers?

4) Overheads? (Inc anything you didn't expect in the beginning)

5) What do you believe makes your business successful?

6) What do you believe is the future for the market your in? (Less work, more work)

7) Is there anything else you can think of that I might not have included?

8) What is the best way for someone like me to get in to the market, how feasible etc?

1. Gradually bought equipment over a period of years until I had enough to do what I wanted to do

2. word of mouth.. but I am a known live engineer in my area so I have lots of contact with potential new clients on a weekly basis

3. I really don't have any because studio recording is not my primary source of income.. I do it for fun and because I enjoy it

4. rent, utilities

5. putting out a better product than the competition, reasonably priced starting out and as you work your way up (and start getting really busy) you can increase price and that will A. weed out those who aren't serious about what they do and B. keep your workload to a manageable level

6. more work when I move to a space that I own and can treat as such (iso rooms, remodeling w/ acoustic treatment etc)

7. Put your stuff on dropbox or else no one is gonna listen to it

8. I don't know because I don't have any idea what the market is like where you live or how saturated it already is. It's feasible for anyone, don't let other people ever tell you that you can't do something.
notoriety, your name/reputation. that's really it. i started off recording my own band, band got fairly large, kids started coming to me. when i first became an engineer it wasn't even with the intent of opening a studio, i just had some technical skill and wanted to be in full control of my bands recordings. it all just happened from there.