For those who drink and do drugs/Questions???????

I've never experimented with drugs. It was my choice though. I see the kids that did drugs in high school still live at home with their parents and amounted to nothing.

Alchohol is wonderful, if mixed properly.
The majority of my friends get together and drink every weekend or two, so I sometimes partake. I drink a beer or a rum and coke or a white russian or a glass of wine or etc., whenever I feel like just sittin' back with a drink. I rarely drink to get drunk, I do it usually because that seems to be the only beverage in the house besides water. Naw, usually it's because I feel a bit more relaxed after a couple.

When it comes to weed, I've gone by a strict personal policy, which is, I shall never buy marijuana. That part of my life may be coming to an end soon, because recommended by a close friend who has the same problem, to start smoking it if available. It's supposed to help with the pain, and relax my body. Otherwise with weed, I've only usually smoked it when available. If someone brings it to a party, sure why not. Someone is smokin' one after work, yea sure. Why? Iunno, cheaper than drinking up here.

For when... I first got drunk when I was 10 or 11 at my cousin's wedding. Again at 14 when I went on a cruise to mexico... Oh I got smashed. My parents seemed not to care. After that, I strayed from booze till I was 17 or 18, and when I moved out at 18, my roomate was 21, so he always wanted to have a beer with me after work or when we were playin' pool or something.

Weed, I first smoked when I was 15. Didn't touch it until I was 18 livin' with my roomate. He was a pothead.

If I'm not mistaken, the rules for marijuana are a little more pliable than the ones in the states?
I rarely get drunk, but I can drink a beer everyday (hell it's considered healthy) depending on my mood. Tried smoking weed 5-6 times in my life, hated it, remembered that the sole principle of throwing smoke into one's lungs is madness and never touched it again. My stupid roomate can't get through the day without smoking though, he can wake up at 1pm on a monday and decide to smoke. He keeps saying he doesn't smoke that often, what a tard. Fortunately he's leaving in a month....
drinking - very rarely these days, partially cause ive been working out and eating better and don't want to mess with my progress, partly because after getting drunk with friends a couple times a week for a few years straight I'm kinda over it. I realized i didn't even enjoy it that much anymore, it was more or less just something to do. Though going out sober while everyone else is drunk kinda sucks

pot - use to smoke a fair bit in high school but since then its only been very occasional, once every couple months at a party maybe. Getting stoned and just chilling the fuck out, listening to music, watching tv etc is awesome and something i wouldn't mind doing a bit more often. A fair few of the dudes i use to smoke with back in high school are kinda messed up...working dead end jobs (or not working at all) and spending all their money on getting fucked up. I don't agree with weed being a gateway drug and all that bullshit, but heavy use can lead to nasty things for people who aren't in a good state of mind to begin with

beyond that....haven't done e or ghb, no real desire to. I would definitely like to try shrooms or LSD at least once before i die

I don't think smoking and dead-end jobs are really related...I have friends back home who work those and have never smoked weed in their life, whereas I'm one of few people who I knew back home who is actually doing many wonderful things with life, and I smoke more than anyone I know personally.
Hmm I don't know, in my personal experience I think alcohol limits my judgments, and perceptions. I drink occasionally, not nearly "often", usually socially, though sometimes just mix a drink and enjoy it when I am reading, writing or drawing. I predominately drink rum and cokes. I am never doing any sort of drugs ever again, and I am not comfortable really discussing the ones I have tried, because I was young, and my decisions themselves were stupid, but there have been three. One scared the shit out of me, the second made me feel something unique and was sort of a neutral experience, but the last was a actually a very positive experience that expanded my judgment overall. And I only have used drugs on 4 occasions, between the ages 14 and 16. And I'm almost 19 now and have never used drugs since then... I have also never smoked pot, which I think is strange compared to what I... have tried. But it's sort of a closed chapter in my life for many reasons. I hope that helps?

Don't mean to be a churlish bastard or anything, but you just heightened my curiousity to know what it was you indulged in. It's sound, though. I respect your privacy.

just because you can run over people with your car, that doesn't make you staight


Drugs? Used to be quite the stoner. Not now, though. Can't handle drugs, me. Also, some mates who probably started taking weed at the same time as I did have proved the gateway theory to be true in some cases, unfortunately. They really like their drugs of all kinds, even the very smart ones. I'm not saying it's the case with everyone, but still.

Drink? Quite often. What? Various lagers, beers (always wanting to try new ones), the odd Scotch Whiskys, JD and Coke, Jager and anything, wines occasionally (never red, it's like alcoholic vinegar, blegh), and not much else, save the odd Tequila slammer or something...different, the bartender might formulate.
When? Whenever. So long as I'm not working, driving, or in any other way preoccupied, then I don't care.
Where? Public houses, home, other people's places, the street, beach, and not many other places.
How? Err...the way one would normally imbibe alcohol, i.e. through the mouth. That said, I've eyeballed a few drinks in the past, like Cider. Fuck knows why, eh, but I did.
Only problem with my drinking is that I get more or less by-polar when drunk, and that's not too good.

I drink too much too often, and I love it.
I'm sure there are plenty of benefits and drawbacks to both. And you can get sick from too much weed. Whiteys suck.
I only drink, and not very often. If all the alcohol in the world disappeared tomorrow, my existence would not be drastically altered. Now, once I turn 21, this may change...hard to say. I had quite a few older friends in middle/high school who had very bad experiences with pot or other drugs, including one who got addicted, caught by his parents, then went right back to it and got caught again (Yes, I know weed is not chemically addictive. Doesn't mean you can't get hooked on it.). So, that pretty much kept me off of the stuff. I've never had the slightest inclination to try anything else.
the thing with drugs, just like anything else that makes you feel good is that if you are vulnerable to addiction you are as likely to get hooked on candy and icecream and become fat just as you have with weed, and get baked, my 2 cents on getting hooked on shit
Doubt it counts, but I'll abuse caffeine insanely because it doesn't seem to do anything more than speed up my response and processing time and let me go longer without sleep. I got to the point where I operated on about 8 hours of sleep every 48 hours and felt better than I do now with a 'normal' 6-hour-every-night sleep cycle, and I'll still put down several cups of coffee or some pills in the morning if I have a lot to do and not a lot of time to do it. I certainly haven't gotten any dumber than I was before I used it as I do now; if anything, having all that time and potential has gotten me far ahead of what I would have been able to do without it. I've only tried smoking a little bit, and didn't care for it; can't metabolize alcohol so that's out of the question; I don't particularly care to try anything else, in all honesty, because I've seen plenty of people dope themselves stupid and I don't ever want to be in that position, but I'm still about as pro-legalization as one can get.

Paul's right about addiction - some people are much more vulnerable to addiction than others, and you're shooting yourself in the foot if you lay blame for any substance problem on anything but yourself.

I have severely cut back on my drinking in the last year. I usually drink Crown Royal and it used to take me 3-4 shots to get to "the happy place" (that fun wobbly happy sensation of drunkennes) and I could get up to 10-12 shots before I was in "the unhappy place" (vomiting, blacking out, hungover the next day, etc.). Over the last couple of years I noticed that it takes more to get to the happy place and less to get to the unhappy place. When in the happy place, my judgement isn't affected much. The biggest difference is how vocal I am. Normally, I am pretty quiet and don't say much. A friend once jokingly commented that he thought I was mute for the first 3 weeks he knew me. When I drink I get a lot more chatty.

Except for occasional periods of going clean to get a job (like I am right now :mad: ), I am an every day pot smoker and love it. I usually use a pipe, sometimes a bong, and rarely joints. Sure, my weed tolerance has also gone up, but I don't mind because I have never reached a point where I was "too high" and there seems to be no such thing as a weed hangover, at least in my experience. It doesn't seem to affect my judgement at all, just my attention span. I laugh a lot more when I'm high and I don't care if it's just because I'm high. Laughter is good no matter how it happens.

I have tried several hallucinogens (LSD, shrooms, mescaline) and they are the only thing that I would consider to cause "expanded thinking". It's strange, but everything seems inter-connected and makes sense when I'm tripping. I would almost consider myself religious while I'm tripping and am not even close to being religious otherwise. Even though I love the trip, there is no way I could do them more often than 2-3 times a year, if that. I always have a strange hollowed out feeling for a day or two after I trip that scares me off from doing it more.

I have never committed a crime (other than acquiring and partaking of said illegal substances) so I'm certainly not hurting anybody else and I never have any difficulty not smoking if I need to. I have never tried coke, crack, crank, meth, heroin or anything harder. I've seen enough people ruin themselves with those to know that I will never try them (unless I get terminal cancer and only have a few days to live, even then probably not).
For those of you who like to partake of alcohol(BEER, JAGEIMESTER, WHISKEY, VODKA, BOURBON, SCOTCH, ETC...) and do drugs, Whether it be marijuana/cocaine/crack/crank,ice/ oxycotin, lortab, vicodin, oxycotin, soma, xanax(ZANEX), methadone, heroin, PCP, LSD, Angel Dust, etc....??????

How often do you use and "why, what, when, where, and how"
????? You all will see where I'm going with this very soon.

Does it create "expanding thinking" or ruin our judgement????

mostly i'm a pill-popper
right now my downer is Seroquell and my upper is Prozac partially (if not mostly) just cuz that's what i have access to right now

i drink, but not a straight drink, i always mix in Dr Pepper, liquified cherries, Sprite, Mr Pibb, 7-up, fruit punch or a combination of the above to make the taste, usually don't get plastered, though, not close to what i'm doing on Seroquell

also i'm smoking some really good weed i'm getting from a black hooker that fucks exclusively white guys
dxm is stupid, you won't find peyote, acid, shrooms etc are actually not just bad in that they can give you a bad trip, but it actually will literally make you stupid. i know people who do it a lot and afterwords they literally are visibly dumber. maybe if you're doing it once or twice you'll be fine but any more than that it actually can be bad for you.

come to wyoming and you will find peyote, natives use it for rituals over here.
do people sell it on the street or do you actually have to go to native tribes and where it grows to get it? i'm not actually thinking of going there i'm just curious.