FINISH HIM!!!!!!!!!

Read this a few days ago, and yeah... I basically have the same thoughts.

Magic mushrooms aren't really magic for everybody. I think it has a lot to do with his prior mental state anyways. The article said he saw the devil in his friends eyes and shit, and we all know the devil doesn't really exist, so you can't really blame the drugs here. But yeah I agree, he definitely shouldn't have been taking them.
Yeah, psychotropic drugs, if taken, should be taken by someone with a clear head and calm nature. A cage fighter probably already out of his mind from steroids taking shrooms? Yeah, that's like throwing gasoline on the fire.
I read nothing about steroids. Where did that come from?

The article did say he was a professional fighter, and most states in America test pro fighters numerous times before and after fights for illegal substances and steroids.
No I was exaggerating...just saying that steroids is relatively common in fighting and other high energy, contact sports and that possible roid rage combined with a bad trip would probably drive anyone out of their minds.
Yet another negative drug story.

This is pure Bill Hicks, but they never run stories about a dude taking LSD and discovering everything is connected, the earth is our mother and that truly, truly, all you need is love.
That is about as insane as it gets. HE FUCKING RIPPED HIS HEART OUT?! I must be naive, but I never cease to be amazed by how screwed up people can be.