Random train of thought...

Why is it that when black people say "cracker" or "whiteboy" that no one ever cares, but when a white man says "my pals", everyone goes ape shit? Why is it in nearly every advertisement or commercial there is one white, one black, one asian, and one hispanic? Why must people constantly try and make themselves feel "less" guilty for being another ethnicity?

Why is it that blacks commit more crimes than whites in the present day, yet no one will do anything about it or they will be labeled "racist"? I read an article about how a couple of black guys raped and killed nearly an entire family over somewhere in the mid US... and it was basically pushed aside. I mean, if it was a white guy killing blacks, then everyone would be in a damn uproar.

Why is it that many black people seem far more racist than white people? Take Chris Rock for example, his stand up comedy consists of him on stage saying things like "The white man is oppressin' us!", nearly all of his jokes are about racism of whites towards blacks. I mean jesus christ, the slavery is over...

I'm not a racist or anything, and not trying to provoke argument, I'm just pointing out things I've noticed...

Discuss, leave your thoughts.

Welcome to the 90's. If you really don't know why everybody is going apeshit when someone says "my pals" and you innocently don't understand why it's "ok" for them to say "cracker" or "white" then please, repeat your history classes.

Yeah, black people statistically, commit more crimes, but maybe because STATISTICALLY there are more poor black people than whites?
Why is this so common for white people to commit a "white collar" crime, but when a black person does it, it hits the news big time???

Chris Rock is a comedian who makes fun of stereotypes and his humor is about something that people live with every day in America.
It's fucking funny.

your train of thoughts has been going back and forth on the platform for centuries now, and I think you missed your stop.