Finished mixing the new DAATH CD

James Murphy

Mar 26, 2002
Anyone who hasn't and wants to can check 3 of the DAATH tracks at: this site

the password is: montecon

i wrapped on the DAATH album several weeks ago, and we did 10 tracks total. i'm helping them shop for a deal now.. i thnk these guys should, and are going to , be signed.

for any info on them, contact me at

.. and check their site

James Murphy said:
i thnk these guys should, and are going to , be signed.

I think you're right. Really impressive stuff. :D

I see on their site that you've also layed down a solo for one of their tracks. Can't wait to hear it! :kickass:

I hadn't really heard anything from this band before, but I'm now checking out some of their first album too. Thanks James!
Would anyone be able to tell me what the song abbreviated WB stands for? I wouldn't have the names for the other songs if James hadn't made them available before. Thanks. I still need to listen to that one, but Ive been a little slow due to some random Quicktime error that suddenly started plaguing me.
They're just technical death metal. Or at least, that's what I consider them. There are so many damn styles that I may be wrong.

All the songs are good. The new one is nice, but it ended too soon for me. The music is very good, but the vocals (death metal vocals in general) don't interest me. I like the fact that the drummer CAN double bass throughout the whole song, but doesn't do it all the damn time. Some drummers need to learn that. Gene Hoglan was great with Death, but in Strapping Young Lad he just seems to coat the entire back of the song in double bass. He's an amazing drummer, but it makes it feel too repetitive. This guy doesn't get sucked in like that.