Finished tracking drums, help!


Lag Arkane
Jun 11, 2005
The Netherlands
Hey guys, I finished tracking drums for my band with my drummer.
I had a few questions, since this is my first time I did it all myself.

Question one:

The toms have massive bleeding. Is it clever to cut everything out except the tom hits.


Sometimes the kick isn't really spot on, i know it doesn't have to be 100% accurate on the click all the time but there are a few hits that are in my opinion not doable. I know this is my fault in the first place when tracking, I should be more a nazi next time but I take this as a learning process.

How do you guys handle this? it's easy to cut the kick and adjust it but then it goes out phase on the OH, AMB and other mics because they also pick a bit of kick. So how do you guys fix some (off) kick hits ?

Thank you guys!
Hey guys, I finished tracking drums for my band with my drummer.
I had a few questions, since this is my first time I did it all myself.

Question one:

The toms have massive bleeding. Is it clever to cut everything out except the tom hits.


Sometimes the kick isn't really spot on, i know it doesn't have to be 100% accurate on the click all the time but there are a few hits that are in my opinion not doable. I know this is my fault in the first place when tracking, I should be more a nazi next time but I take this as a learning process.

How do you guys handle this? it's easy to cut the kick and adjust it but then it goes out phase on the OH, AMB and other mics because they also pick a bit of kick. So how do you guys fix some (off) kick hits ?

Thank you guys!

My two cents:

Answer one: Yes!

Answer two: Cut all the tracks and align; crossfade into the previous/next parts.
Yes i am. But i just needed to know some stuff.

If you're cutting every hit to the grid I don't see why #2 is a problem? :/

If the toms have a massive amount of bleed they might be unusable :/ I also usually have to chop up my tom tracks to get them triggering correctly if they're not recorded great, cos the transients can easily get lost in fills, in regards to your #1