Finnish TV is teh SCARY

Jim LotFP

The Keeper of Metal
Jun 7, 2001
Helsinki, Finland
... there's this show called Kids Top 20.

Some blonde hosts this Saturday morning kids' show, with a studio full of kids. They count down the top videos... but they don't just show the videos.

They cut into the videos with shots of this woman and the kids DANCING to the video.

It was just mildly retarded until they played an Eminem video... and this blonde woman and several dozen whiter than white bread kids were doing hip hop dancing.

Holy fuckin' fuck.

Next video up is some Finnish HIM clone Lovex, and all the kids are jumping up and down and pumping their fist and air guitared... Hey, they're kids. I used to dance around to the Disco Duck album when I was a kid.

But this host woman must have no soul. She does this to 20 different songs EVERY WEEK?

Now they're all dancing to that Madonna video.

That's enough for me.