So I wore my Sonata shirt to TSO and...

Something I noticed when I saw TSO at Gwinnett Arena in ATL a few years ago.....the sound level was PERFECT. Not too loud, not too soft. I took my earplugs out, enjoyed the show, and didn't have ringing in my ears afterward. It was awe-inspiring. I was seated about a third of the way back on the floor, and I'm kinda wondering if the people further back might have had trouble hearing the show really well. Still, a tremendously impressive sonic experience.
Something I noticed when I saw TSO at Gwinnett Arena in ATL a few years ago.....the sound level was PERFECT. Not too loud, not too soft. I took my earplugs out, enjoyed the show, and didn't have ringing in my ears afterward. It was awe-inspiring. I was seated about a third of the way back on the floor, and I'm kinda wondering if the people further back might have had trouble hearing the show really well. Still, a tremendously impressive sonic experience.
We were in the balcony, almost directly in front of the stage, 6 rows up. Pretty far in the back, I guess, but the view was fine (GREAT for the light show) and the sound damn near perfect to me. I heard no "glitches" and no "muddiness" in the mix. Each soloist, vocal and instrumental was effectively pitched to my ears. I did hear a few people around me complaining afterwards that it had been too loud and my son mentioned his ears were ringing a little, but after more than 20 years of metal shows, I didn't notice that. Clearly I may not be a good indicator for volume. ;)
I'm the guy in the Sonata shirt. Were you at Blind Guardian in Houston? If so, we should have hooked up. I had my 13 year old son with me. He's quite the power metal fan. Long drive back to Dallas in the fog. Got home at 4:45AM. No matter. Well worth it. I don't think my son made it to school that day.....

Yep! I went to Blind Guardian in Houston too. We also got back pretty late, thanks to that hellride in the rain & fog. Totally worth it though!:rock: Not much happening concertwise in the area until Metal Church, 2/2 at the Ridglea, maybe I'll see ya there.

Sadly, this is real.
OR just lazy, so I'm latching onto this one.
Just saw TSO for the first time tonight. Can't believe I've waited so long, since I love the music and have several cd's. The show blew me AWAY! The whole first part of The Lost Christmas Eve, was so engaging and emotional. The music was phenomenal, the light show intense, the whole atmosphere mesmerizing.
Chris is a true showman and kept the audience totally involved throughout the entire performance.
The more "metal" second half just blew me and my buds away. The intensity and skill of the musicianship and vocalists was incredible. I've been avoiding "arena" shows for a couple of years now, but the lights and pyros of this show made sitting with 20 or so thousand others well worth it.
Special treat for the Jersey crowd was a guest appearance by Greg Lake of ELP. Chris said it was the a unique to this show, but hopefully not for others who might enjoy it. It was great fun seeing him do "Welcome Back My Friends..."
Also Chris and Al did a unique stunt, climbing on a platform in the middle of the floor which rose like 30 or more feet in the air while they did a reprisal of Sarejevo. What a great night!

Hey Ann Marie,

I can't believe, given the music fan that you are - how many times have you been to Finland? - that you've just seen TSO for the first time. First time they played in Dallas, back in 2000, I bought tickets and told my wife we were going to hear Christmas music MY WAY. Having no use for the power and prog metal my sons I listen to, she was very skeptical. Took about three songs and she was hooked. She's as big a fan as any. Their show indeed is moving and powerful, everything a rock concert could and should be.

One day I'll be in Philly visiting family and maybe we can hook up at a show. I'd love to meet you.

Speaking of trips, my son and I bumped into a man and his son at Blind Guardian in Houston. He was a British guy, probably about my age - late 40's. Totally cool. He said he wanted to do a "metal trip" to Europe - Gremany, Finland, Sweden, etc. I can still hear him saying "metal trip" in that British accent...