Finntroll front man exits group, June 11


Dec 12, 2001
Luzern, Switzerland
FINNTROLL frontman Katla has announced his departure from the group due to a longer-than-expected recovery period following his recent surgery for a tumor in his vocal cords. Here is Katla's official statement on the matter:

"Hail fans of the mighty FINNTROLL! With a great sorrow in my heart and soul I am forced to bring you this statement. I founded this band with my blood brother Somnium several years ago and as we gained other blood brothers in our excellent formation we have gone through many highs and lows. For me this last year, as you all know, has been part of a huge low due to a virus-based tumor that unfortunately struck my vocal cords. I have had three operations now since December 2001 and the tumor has now spread into such an extent over the vocal cords that surgery can't be done without harming my voice permanently! There is another treatment available but it takes time and has several side effects. Due to the desperate situation of me not gaining my voice from the last surgery I have decided to step aside from my position as vocalist in this great band! Nothing is yet decided about FINNTROLL's upcoming gigs and recordings. My fellow trolls will decide what is now in their hands concerning the future of the band and if it is possible in the future I WILL RETURN! Those who live under every root and stone have maybe planned something different for my future, who knows? Maybe one day I will stand victorious on the stage with my brothers again. But for know my vocalist position in FINNTROLL is physically impossible! I thank every soul who have enjoyed my performances live and loved our music through our recordings in the past as well as in the future. Remember, fellow fans that nothing else than death is certain... With a huge trollish howl I leave this group that means everything to me. Stay true to the old ways and WE SHALL OVERCOME! I would like to thank my fellow bandmates and all fans!"