Firepod cuts out until I cycle the power...


May 28, 2006
Bay Area, CA
This has been happening for the past month or so. I'll be mixing in Sonar or listening to music in WMP, and out of nowhere, all sound from the computer completely cuts out.

Cycling the power usually fixes it if I leave it off for a moment. But I also have to close the programs I'm using before they will work again.

I'm on Vista 64. It's not a Vista bug, though. There's a four page thread about this problem on the Presonus Tech Support forum, where many of the "victims" are on XP32 and Vista 32/64, and no one has found a fix for it. On top of that, Presonus won't respond to anyone's email about the problem.

What the fuck...

Any ideas?
Mine has a VIA chipset, which I've heard is recommended for Firewire Audio devices along with TI. Is it really worth spending the cash on?
No it's not a TI problem...I have a TI firewire card and I have the same problem.
Usually I don't have the problem when I'm working in Sonar except when I turn on the card with sonar already open and when I turn on the firepod when the playback is already started (for example a youtube video, or an mp3 files). Sometime it needs a click on the firepod's system tray followed by a click on Done....otherwise it needs to close the browser windows and re-open...or to re-select the correct audio card on winamp..etc..
No it's not a TI problem...I have a TI firewire card and I have the same problem.
Usually I don't have the problem when I'm working in Sonar except when I turn on the card with sonar already open and when I turn on the firepod when the playback is already started (for example a youtube video, or an mp3 files). Sometime it needs a click on the firepod's system tray followed by a click on Done....otherwise it needs to close the browser windows and re-open...or to re-select the correct audio card on winamp..etc..
Exactly. And it pisses me off to no end that Presonus hasn't even acknowledged the problem yet.
driver issues. try installing focusrite firewire interface driver. its a bit newer. i tried it when troubleshooting an issue wiht external clocking on the fp and it increased stability. Its really frustrating not being able to solve these issues!!!! good luck
driver issues. try installing focusrite firewire interface driver. its a bit newer. i tried it when troubleshooting an issue wiht external clocking on the fp and it increased stability. Its really frustrating not being able to solve these issues!!!! good luck
I'm reluctant to do that not having heard of this being a solution and the fact that it's from a different company.

Have you tried updating the Firepod to the FP10 Firmware?
That's another problem I'm having. I've used the firmware updater, but I can't tell if it worked because of this:


Wtf is up with that date?

And every time I update the firmware, it still lets me do it again afterwords, acting like it never updated...
I had the same problem. I just dealt with it, and accepted that I could only do one audio application at once. That said, now that I have a Firebox I am not experiencing any issues at all.
Must be a Windows driver issue. I myself use Mac OS X exclusively so I don't have any problems at all. Hard to tell what's up with that Firmware updater, too, it looks totally different than the Mac version. All I know is that my Firepod shows up as an FP10 now, but it may not be the same in Windows even after a successful update.

Call Presonus tech support?
I have the same problem. I end up having to reboot, sometimes a couple of times. I've yet to try it on something other than my Vista32 Laptop with my TI chipset Firewire card. I don't know if any of you are only having this problem with 2 units hooked up at once, but thats whats causing my problems. The only thing I've been able to do to fix it is close everything and reboot. Fuckin pain in the ass.
No I never reboot for this problem...only restart the firepod panel or the audio application. And I can easely use more than 1 audio application without a problem.

Kazrog, do you have the fp10 firmware? Is it good? I don't remember if fp10 is exactly the same of firepod or if it have some upgrade like the software mixer panel....
It's for sure a windows firewire driver issue. I had a thread on the presonus forums that showed how I fixed it, it was real simple but I forgot what I did..... WHatever it was it worked, because I didn't have the issue after doing it.... I think there was some hotfix I installed from microsoft (that isn't included in auto updates) and it solved the issue..... Or maybe it was a rollback to the pre service pack 2 firewire drivers.... You would have to check out the presonus forums and do a search for user name Wolfeman28..... After I fixed that all my firmware updates worked fine on the unit also....
It's for sure a windows firewire driver issue. I had a thread on the presonus forums that showed how I fixed it, it was real simple but I forgot what I did..... WHatever it was it worked, because I didn't have the issue after doing it.... I think there was some hotfix I installed from microsoft (that isn't included in auto updates) and it solved the issue..... Or maybe it was a rollback to the pre service pack 2 firewire drivers.... You would have to check out the presonus forums and do a search for user name Wolfeman28..... After I fixed that all my firmware updates worked fine on the unit also....
Checked it out. I think I've already done what was said, but I'll try it again.