Firestudio w/Nuendo 2


New Metal Member
Sep 4, 2011
I recently started recording some tracks using a Firestudio and Nuendo 2 (out-of-date ... I know). Drums went well until I got to the cymbals and HH. Levels on the firestudio for the two overhead condensors capturing the cymbals and one SM57 capturing the HH were just below clipping (in the yellow). Levels in Nuendo however were barely visible. I thought well, I could bring them up later in the mix. This was the first problem.

Additionally, the snare bleed over into the two condensors and the SM 57 is tremendous. Whereas toms will barely register a signal on the tracks set with three mics in Nuendo (probably due to their frequency), the snare is off the charts with all three. I thought well, it must be the frequency issue so I tuned the snare to an almost identical tone to one of the toms and still, off the charts with all three mic track levels in Nuendo. The snare was also muffled (both resonant and batter side) to the point where there was almost no tonal quality remaining. I have also repositioned all three mics at multiple angles and in multiple positions but still no luck.

With both problems together the result is three cymbal tracks that cannot be brought up in the mix later because the snare is so loud on all three tracks.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.