My sampled drumkit multitrack in nuendo

Feb 17, 2006
Here is my drumkit sampled. I had no time to cut and mixdown it so post it in nuendo project (multitrack) so that everyone could mix the overhead & room balance, panings etc. and process it as you want.
Drumkit is DDRUM DOMINIUM MAPLE. With Pearl Ultra Cast snare.
Mics used:
kick: Audix D6
snare top: Shure SM 57
snare bottom: Audix i5
rack-toms (2): Audix D2
floor-tom: Audix D4
overheads: two Rode K2
room: Neumann TLM 103

for overheads TL Audio PA-1 Dual Valve Preamp
for a room mic: TL Audio FAT2
all the others were going into the Mackie 1604 VLZ Pro mixing desk
audio interface: ECHO Layla 3G (2)

All the samples are multi-dinamic (up to 30 for each drum). Snare has "blast-beat" dynamic hits. Everything is NOT PROCESSED and goes AS IS.

Here is the nuendo project:
And here is the mp3 - how this drums sound, it is "semi-processed" rough version though:
Sounds really good bro. Would you mind shipping us the project file for your "semi-processed" version so we could have a look see at how you got there?