Firewind Guitar Tabs

Σοφία;6357252 said:
FOR FUCKS SAKE im not even 15 lol

Those Spaniards, they always like to whip out (no pun!!... Well maybe actually) that latin lover stuff lol
Yay resurrected thread! And since this is my first post in over a week... Anybody miss me? :p

Yes? Awwwwwwwwwww. How cute.
Eddie! You must upload a vid playing The Fire and the Fury!! Hahaha fucking swedish with another culprit! ;) :notworthy
hello how are all of you im steve from manassas usa. this is a cool place must big guitar player are here...
i wana tabs for guitar pro song is Waiting Still from album burning earth i found it anywhere so please can yo uhelp me?? thank you
Hey guys, i realise this is a really old thread but i've been working on some songs whilst ive been off work and uni and i've got some good tabs! Check out I am the Anger at megaupload on this link (its guitar pro 5 format) I think there are a few wrong notes in the solo but its pretty hard to tab :flame:..
Why have i never seen this thread :guh: ... ha

i have a few (tube)videos and made some tabs, will post them when i get a chance - there on external HD.

Anyone wanna tab Into The Fire with me?

Am working on this! i have most of the main riffs down now.
not even attempted that intro solo tho !!

You did a FANTASTIC job! Thank you!
Cheers! I tried to tab the Fire and the Fury but i got to the end of the second solo (legato thingy) and tried for a long time but couldn't get it right, its all odd groupings and notes so i ended up giving up :|
Hahaha I met on this topic one of my best friends hahahaha :kickass: Long time I wasn't here. I have a little tab for you, and if Mr.G answer on this post saying if my tab is right or not or something about "my" solo xD, I will post some more HAHAHA :kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass: - The Fire and the Fury by MetalFenris.gp5 - The Fire and the Fury by MetalFenris.gp4

P.D. Fuck this is a last version... has one or two mistakes... keep an eye!

And I found this one. Is not all right but you can use as orientation to play that song I think.