First 5:30 of In Mist She Was Standing

that is friggin cool, best attempt ive heard at death vocals so far, and really good does Mikeal pull that fucking shit off!? :P
Nice work with guitars. Those overheads are owning my ears with fatigue though... way too obtrusive/repetitive/artificial.

You could've posted it in the riff thread though... most of my contributions have the drums in it. Alot of Niel's pretty much had all of the shit in there.
Moonlapse said:
Nice work with guitars. Those overheads are owning my ears with fatigue though... way too obtrusive/repetitive/artificial.

You could've posted it in the riff thread though... most of my contributions have the drums in it. Alot of Niel's pretty much had all of the shit in there.

speaking of niel, i still can't understand how that emperor cover is in fact a cover. my ears still won't believe it. it's that fucking close, and good.
Yeah they did a really good job and Jack is a hell of a fucking vocalist.. I thought they got Abbath to do vocals or something. One of my biggest qualms with Niel's recordings is that the drums always let them down. When everything else sounds so natural and right, the drums are out of place and artificial... but hey, haha, that's what you get for using the drumkit from hell, and I'm not sure if he's still sequencing in Fruity Loops... which I have to say was the biggest waste of time I've ever run into as a recording musician.
that was outstanding! well done man, i try to do this sort of thing with my ZOOM MRS-4 recording device and the MRT-3b drum machine but its just too damn tough to get it all playing together... and i cant get my drum machine to let me just record tracks in real time and layer etc... plus im havin a bit of trouble perfecting my growl :rock: i cant really change pitch with it, i have to keep the same low pitch of i lose it. hehe well props because i know how tough it is to do all this! keep it coming please.