First Drover, now Broderick quits Megadeth

I am sure that the issues with Daves wife smother being found dead today probably lead to alot of the problems he was having with his band? Who knows though?

I second the Metal Madman's statement. I would really like to hear another Eidolon album. I've loved that band since I first heard "Nightmare World" 14 years ago.

Overall, I've never really been a fan of Megadeth, but I was glad to see Drover and Broderick getting more exposure as a result of joining the band. Here's to hoping for more success in their future endeavors!

Stay metal. Never rust.

For those beating the Eidolon drum, this might be interesting:
"Going back to the beginning, the Drover brothers formed Eidolon in 1993. Originally issued in 1996, the very first Eidolon CD, Zero Hour, was re-released in October; strictly limited to 400 copies. This version contains the very first Genocide Recordings version with all original packaging, minus the CD, which is a new pressing.

There are different bundles available, such as versions that both Glen and Shawn have signed, as well as original Eidolon Jim Dunlop picks that were made for Glen back in 1996. This album has been out of print for many years... now it's back and available via CDN Records."
Is Megadeth relevant anymore? Can't remember the last time they put out a decent album.


It was Chris' first album with the band. And the lineup change lit a stick of dynamite under Mr. Mustaine. He wrote some of his best material in years and the whole band played like their hair was on fire. In fact, I consider it among the best Megadeth discs. Truly great. Nothing they've done since then has even come close.
I really liked Thirteen (I refuse to use the dumb spelling he made for it), but then again all of my favorites were the ones previously released or unreleased older songs.

During a a live online Megadeth fanclub chat on November 29th, which was announced on November 18th, bassist David Ellefson made it clear the band will continue:

"As you can probably tell by me being here today, we are not disbanding. As of right now, we are looking at all the options, of which there are many. We'll certainly continue working on the new songs for the next record."
i am sure that percentages were predetermined before either Drover or Chris joined the band. so, i doubt it is a case of the Dave's wanting more control.

would love to see someone like Portnoy step in to handle drums on the album. as far as lead guitar work, there are many options. not realistic, but would be awesome to have Petrucci just add in some solos or maybe go with a guest soloist approach across each of the songs.
i am sure that percentages were predetermined before either Drover or Chris joined the band. so, i doubt it is a case of the Dave's wanting more control.

would love to see someone like Portnoy step in to handle drums on the album. as far as lead guitar work, there are many options. not realistic, but would be awesome to have Petrucci just add in some solos or maybe go with a guest soloist approach across each of the songs.
sorry, but I can't see Portnoy getting along with Mustaine for 10 minutes before Dave wants to kill him. Megadeth is DAVE's band....Portnoy is about control, these two don't mix. :flame:
well, i would see it with Mike as more of a hired gun scenario, like Avenged Sevenfold. play on the album and maybe some tour dates.

Mike can definitely play the support role well. He did that with Bigelf and has done several albums with Neal Morse in that capacity.

all that being said, I am more interested in Mike's other projects (Neal, Winery Dogs, Transatlantic, etc). but, would be cool to hear him with Dave. Mike has indicated that he always has wanted to work with Dave on a side project.
sorry, but I can't see Portnoy getting along with Mustaine for 10 minutes before Dave wants to kill him. Megadeth is DAVE's band....Portnoy is about control, these two don't mix. :flame:

I don't know. Avenged Sevenfold had him on as their hired gun for quite some time and it didn't bother him. I'm not saying I completely disagree though.
Maybe he will come back to Jag Panzer? One can only hope (not just to make my screen name relevant again...)