
Feb 11, 2011
Orange County
About to release an EP for these bigwigs in the black metal scene. Not your traditional european style, has a lot of modern influences. Wanted to give it a big sound without sounding overproduced (The OG fans wouldn't like that). Tell me what ya think so far. Didn't slam it into the master limiter yet till I feel the mix is spot on but pretty close I think.

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Sounds pretty good! It's a very "cold" production sound though. Doesn't really have much of the character I look for in black metal but then that entirely depends on the sub genre. What references were you given for the target sound?

I also think there's quite a lack of bottom end neither taken up by the bass or the kick drum.
Thank you. I was given Watain as a reference for the production for this one so my production chain on this was pretty simple. I purposely took most of the subs out of the kick for that reason. Im a BIG FAN of hard hitting bottom end punch but this one was kind of different for me. I was actually still running into some issues with pumping just slightly because of the general separation of thin sounding instruments.
Yes, ok. I have listened a little to Watain but not that much. In comparison to their sound you have the separation but everything is very up front in the mix with distinct lack of reverb on anything. It sounds slightly too clinical for a black metal record, in my opinion. However, I appreciate you are probably not trying to clone the sound but also do your own thing.

I do listen to a lot of black metal took me a long time in the 90s to realise that it's supposed to sound that way rather than lack of studio budget haha
I do listen to a lot of black metal took me a long time in the 90s to realise that it's supposed to sound that way rather than lack of studio budget haha

Haha, yea that is why I wanted to consult anyone first in this forum in regards to "stylistic" opinions on production. I like my preferred production style and don't truly need to result to the forums regarding something i'm familiar with but when it comes to this I do value others input.
The people i'm doing this for also had me produce a Crust/Rock album a year or so ago which was the last time I posted cuz well… its something i'm not an expert at, haha! perhaps thats why they had me do it, for some variance in their genre. I revised the mix and put it up against the master limiter just hours ago with some of your input btw… to "warm" up the mix a little and give just a hair more subs. Referenced and got the approval so it's going to press next week. I'll put up the finished link when it appears digitally hopefully soon! Thank you again!!
Really digging this, both the sound and the tune itself. Sounds much better than Watain's sound imo. Rhythm guitars could maybe be raised, or lower the drums.