First Mix 95% Complete! Experimental Track


Aug 16, 2010
I posted this previously, but I got this thing sounding mucccchh better and even. Let me know what you guys think! This is my first mix EVER for real! Song is long and progressive in an experimental way, skip the end for a heavier part if you guys feel the need.

Enjoy, Social Experiment 10-2-11.mp3

P.S. Solo's missing and some other layering parts. But let me know what you guys think for the most part. All criticism welcome of course.
for me it doesn't seem to play for some reason.

edit. i think it's some problem with my computer, i'll try again later.
i really like the mellow parts of the song but i dont like the sound of the heavy guitars. Also the kick drum is a bit to plastic sounding for me
i really like the mellow parts of the song but i dont like the sound of the heavy guitars. Also the kick drum is a bit to plastic sounding for me

Maybe I boosted to much highs on the kick. Will figure that out. The Guitars do sound like fucking shit when I compare them to other records. It could be the guitars going in??? Maybe i just need to re-eq??
I think the acoustic guitars at the beginning are way too above the rest, making the distorted guitars lack balls, and the snare sounds too distant, plus the clean part after the distorsion really lacks a good bass guitar to make it move. In fact everything lacks bass guitar, it sounds way too "static" without it.