First mix, could use some advise.


New Metal Member
Apr 26, 2011
So one of my friends plays hip-hop and thought it would be fun for me to write some heavy guitar and drum parts to one of his songs. I'm definitely new to mixing, and have no idea what to do with eq, and compression, so any advice/criticism would be greatly appreciated. The guitars are a jackson dk2m tuned to drop b with a seymour duncan jb in the bridge (I know not the best pup for drop tunings) going straight into my tascam us-1641, from there my signal chain is TSE808 -->Lecto for left panned and SoloC panned right -->LeCab2 w/catharsis' s-pres8 impulse -->Compressor -->Eq. Thanks guys.
hey original idea :)

In the beginning the bass is out of sync?
Further i think the hi-hat is much to loud...what are you using?