First mix (Doom style clip)


Aug 2, 2009
Fort Worth, Texas
This is just a short sound sample I came up with to refine my mixing skills on before I tackle my full length, self produced one man indy monstrosity (or catastrophy depending on how you look at it. Equipment used Drums: I programmed all drums in Toontrack's DFH, replaced the snare, half the toms and the kick with sound samples I found laying around the net. The only remaining drums from DFH are a pair of toms and the cymbals. Guitars were quad tracked in Fruity Loops using my Digitech GNX unit (still trying different amp sim, processor, impulse combos to try and get the correct sound.) Bass tracked through Guitar Rig 4 using one of their bass pre-sets. Everything mixed and mastered in Cubase. So take a listen and try to not make me feel "too" small. I have no actual training and I do strive to improve.
Could sound better! What I hear is some strange pumping compression, image shifting, or chorus on the guitars. Guitars sound very clouded & unclear.
It could be the quality of the audio file (mp3, wma, ogg, whatever it is) if the bitrate is low, try saving at one of the highest rates possible.
Probably not the problem though, because the drums sound clear.
If you're running compression or chorus on the guitars, try turning it off, or really minimizing it.
I noticed that Soundcloud did color the mix a bit (That might have been what you're hearing) I'm a complete novice flying by the seat of my pants (which is one of the main reasons I joined this forum) I would definitely love to be able to present a serviceable mix. Need to go back to my original mix in Cubase and see if I even had compression on the guitars in the first place. Once again, constructive advice is always welcome.
The drums don't sound too bad, but the bass and guitars are really muffled and undefined. They sound super scooped. Try adding some mids across a fair amount of the spectrum with the guitars to make them stand on their own a bit more. I realize this is a doom mix, but it doesn't mean the guitars can't be more intelligible in the mix! ;)
The drums don't sound too bad, but the bass and guitars are really muffled and undefined. They sound super scooped. Try adding some mids across a fair amount of the spectrum with the guitars to make them stand on their own a bit more. I realize this is a doom mix, but it doesn't mean the guitars can't be more intelligible in the mix! ;)

Gonna take that all on board and I'm really not a huge fan of the scooped sound anyway, just like a thick chunky tone. Probably need to fiddle with my the settings on my GNX. Already have the low end pretty much taken out of the thing. Also I am tuned down to C so that might account for some of what's making it sound a bit darker. Any other advice mix or mastering-wise? Any advice n what mid frequencies could help? I don't think the mix is terrible by any stretch of the imagination, but I'm sure there are plenty of things that could be done to improve it in the mixing and mastering areas.
Hmmmm, 122 views and only 2 pieces of advice (was hoping for more from a forum full of people who obviously know what they're doing. Some of your mixes are excellent to stellar) Guess I'll just scrounge around for some tutorials and try and figure this out myself. Thanks to the 2 guys that DID give advice.
you have to understand a lot of people post their mixes everyday, not everyone will be atracted to listen by your title. That said, I was. I always like to check Doom mixes, cause that´s what I like (and what I do, kind of). Unfortunately I have no means of listening right now, my interface is packed up and the headphone out of this laptop is damaged. I promise I´ll listen when I have a chance tomorrow or sunday though
you have to understand a lot of people post their mixes everyday, not everyone will be atracted to listen by your title. That said, I was. I always like to check Doom mixes, cause that´s what I like (and what I do, kind of). Unfortunately I have no means of listening right now, my interface is packed up and the headphone out of this laptop is damaged. I promise I´ll listen when I have a chance tomorrow or sunday though

I do appreciate that and maybe I was a little bit quick to give up. Thing is I really DO want to submit the best mixes I possibly can and I know I have a long way to get there. On the flip side of what you said, I do try to listen to other people's mixes and give them my opinion whether I'm attracted to the musical style or not. I mean the intent of this part of the forum is to rate and give advice about the mixes (and not just the music.)
I don't listen to doom at all (and am inexperienced in mixing) but things that stuck out to me:

1. Guitars sound unclear (as mentioned above)
2. Snare sounds lifeless

You could try messing around with whatever amp settings you have to get more presence in your guitar sound. I would add some snap and reverb to the snare too.
I don't listen to doom at all (and am inexperienced in mixing) but things that stuck out to me:

1. Guitars sound unclear (as mentioned above)
2. Snare sounds lifeless

You could try messing around with whatever amp settings you have to get more presence in your guitar sound. I would add some snap and reverb to the snare too.

I appreciate the input Mili. I have literally been agonizing over finding a decent snare sample, I think I found a good one but as you stated I need to figure out a good way to give it some life. Also been spending alot of time trying to find the best guitar tones (whether they're from amp sims and impulses or from my Digitech effects unit. Unfortunately I have absolutely no way to mic at this stage in the game since this is all apartment based recording and I don't have the necessary hardware.