First mix ever, sounds like s*** (feedback needed)


New Metal Member
Jun 26, 2006
Hey Guys,

Its my turn to bite the dust. This is my first mix and I just can't seem to get that aggressive bite I want in it. The low end is what confuses me the most, either there's not enough bass, or it gets too muddy (as it is now). I tried the kick/bass ducking trick, helped somewhat but it doesn't give enough low end clarity.

Any comments and suggestions are much welcome (not only in regards to the low end). What sucks? And what could be a cure for that? (don't mind the weird intro, its just an experiment)


Nice tune. Reminds me of Entombed. The vocals, leads and rhythm up. Bass down or cut some low and add some definition. Maybe give the kick some adjustments to start with and go from there. Nice track though.:kickass:
Gnash said:
Nice tune. Reminds me of Entombed. The vocals, leads and rhythm up. Bass down or cut some low and add some definition. Maybe give the kick some adjustments to start with and go from there. Nice track though.:kickass:

Entombed, At The Gates, etc.. yeah we like the swedish stuff very much, shouldn't be hard to hear that ;-)

Hmm.. "add some definition", yep agreed, but how exactly do you add definition? I guess I need to decide wether the bass or the kick should lay lowest or something.. how is this "normally" done? Kick lowest? The problem I have with the kick is that if I narrow its low peak point too much, it starts to sound like a techno kick which I really don't want. I want to be able to "feel" the punch from it.
Well first off it sounds to me like the kick and snare need to be raised a bit, but especially the snare. It sounds very distant. The Overheads sound fine... I think the vocals should be a bit louder as well. Right now as it is the guitars are shoving everything else out of the way. I think they sound great though! Would you mind sharing how you went about recording the rhythm tracks?
sounds fuckin brutal, me likes!!
whats the strange filter at the beginning?
think you could pop (haha) snare and kick with more compression.
boost the lows on the kick. sounds pretty decent to me,
the basis is there!
Thanks for the response so far,

I'll give the suggestions a go at my next (and hopefully last) mixing session.

There was some you go:

The intro is a combination of four plugins:
Timeworks Reverb 4080L -> Ultrafunk Modulator -> Waves RVox -> TC Filrator (the main sinner). But the real "magic" comes from some extreme automated envelopes controlling the filtrator.

The guitars were recorded with a fake sm57 through a standard Marshall 1960A. Left guitar: BOSS GT-PRO -> DEQ2496 -> JCM900 (fx return). Right guitar: Pod XT Pro -> DEQ2496 -> Alesis RA300. Both were postprocessed with Har-Bal (a very nice piece of EQ software). Moreover the natural sound of the picking were recorded and overlayed (very subtle).
I dunno man, sounds pretty killer as is. Of course there is some improvement needed on a few things. The snare needs to pop a bit more and needs to be heard. It's only little things at this point man, you've got a killer foundation though so far.

On a side note I'd be fucking happy to nab a cd from you of this stuff when you're done with it! Sounds great.


That u Michael? Sounds great man - been waiting for that Mindmare demo to be done.

What did you use - gits, amps, mics, DI-stuff, Bass?

Congrats om the result!

Hope to see you on stage in Vejle (byernes by, verdens navle...njaehh...) sometime.
swedish metal rulez.... pretty good stuff! very nice riffs, guitar tone....i didnt like the snare, tom sounds good.... nice vocal too...very nice songs! very nice! loved it! :headbang:

i hear some clip, any of you have heard it?

ah, remind me edge fo sanity!

i cant stop listening to those songs and i notice that the leads are a bit low, raise them and i think u are done with ur mix...

goddamm, very nice songs man, i'm liking it alot... very good singer too!
That u Michael? Sounds great man - been waiting for that Mindmare demo to be done.

What did you use - gits, amps, mics, DI-stuff, Bass?

Congrats om the result!

Hope to see you on stage in Vejle (byernes by, verdens navle...njaehh...) sometime.

Yep, Hej Jonas, og tak for de fine ord ;-)

The guitars were pretty much recorded the "normal oldschool way" (I wrote something about somewhere above, POD XT, GT-PRO both to a JCM900 and 1960A cab, sm57), the bass were reamped a few times, to get that nice trace elliot sound. Har-Bal eq software were used to do most eq jobs, love that app!

We'll reach Vejle when that promising Ghostcell band is ready for a killer combo job:headbang:

i cant stop listening to those songs and i notice that the leads are a bit low, raise them and i think u are done with ur mix...

Yeah, agree on that one, specially if the leads were more decent played :erk: However on mono systems the vox and leads are extremely loud, this is a compromise..
oh too bad, weird thing the leads and vocals sounding too loud in mono mode if the leads were raised up a bit the guitars would be perfect, considering in stereo mode! i loved the songs man, i can't stop to listening to it....