First mix I'm actually pretty happy with


Apr 12, 2002
Cambridge, Ontario, Canada
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dude this sounds pretty fuckin awesome my only problem is the snare seems like it dissapears a little bit when everythings going at the same time. def did a good job on this dude
Great mix, I'd like the vocals a tad louder though, they're almost fighting with the guitar (volume-wise) on my cheapo 2.1 setup.

The bass is a bit loud (in the higher bass/lowest mids) IMHO, but I don't know if it's because of my room/setup or because of the mix itself tbh.
Nice mix but definately "mastered" way too loud, clipping here and there and things get buried by the loudness overkill
sounds really good
the only thing i would change is the snare (sounds really muddy/ least on my speakers)
love the bass sound for this style
The guitars are clipping like crazy and the bass is way too loud. Otherwise this is pretty awesome.

The singer sounds like a mix between the guy from Billy Talent and Billy Joe from Greenday. I love it.
The guitars are clipping like crazy and the bass is way too loud. Otherwise this is pretty awesome.
quoted for truth :D i'd say go easy on the mastering side and turn down the bass a tad.
guitars might also benefit from some tape saturation to add some slightly dirty someone already said it's pretty hifi for the style. works for drums and vocals, but guitars could be a bit more raw. imho obviously :)
great mix though!
Nice job Adam, I would bring the bass down a little bit and hopefully master it a little bit less loud. Other than that though great job man.
Thanks a lot for the suggestions dudes! Here's an updated mix, a lot less clipping... I used to have a lot of trouble getting shit loud enough, I think this is probably the most balanced mix I've done though and it seems to make it a lot easier to crank it up, Ozone in clipping mode is dangerous :lol:

I killed some low end on the bass (noticed this myself when I took it to the car, it was a bit absurd!) and brought the snare up a tiny bit...

Here's the updated mix:
yar i'm craving a snappier brighter snare fer shur, for some reason in my head i want a piccolo for this type of band. other than that i'm pretty jealous of the whole shabang, some fantastic work
New mix, hopefully fixed the snare issue and brought the main vocals down a bit...

They wanted to add some vocal harmonies in the middle section, not sure how I feel about it, going to have to work on mixing those in... Probably a shit ton of verb and really low down in the mix to just sort of add the harmony note without really hearing the annunciation of the actual vocal part :/
New mix, hopefully fixed the snare issue and brought the main vocals down a bit...

They wanted to add some vocal harmonies in the middle section, not sure how I feel about it, going to have to work on mixing those in... Probably a shit ton of verb and really low down in the mix to just sort of add the harmony note without really hearing the annunciation of the actual vocal part :/

Haven't listened, but quantize the syllables (elastic audio) and/or limit the harmonies. Add some distortion maybe to the main vocal to help it stick out a bit more (you can go ridiculously far with this without losing intelligibility because the harmonies are quantized). Works a charm.