The last mix I'll ever do for the indefinite future!


Apr 12, 2002
Cambridge, Ontario, Canada
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Hey fellas, so here's a mix I'm finishing up for the band I've been working with lately, the band I was already tracking before I canceled all my future projects to take a big break from this whole recording shibang. Getting rid of my house after this so won't have a studio anymore and will be in school for the next 3 years so this is the last thing my studio is going to put out for a long time, maybe forever...

Any thoughts or suggestions appreciated, it's "finished" unless there's some glaring issues because the CD release show is this Friday, but still really interested in everyone's input.

I recommend this track...

Here's two others as well if anyone wants to check them out.

Got two more songs to mix for them in the morning, really just doing my vocal rides and any song specific stuff so won't sound any different.

Stuff used:
Guitars - Schecter something with EMGs > Sparkle Drive > Dual Rec > Recto 4x12 > 57

Bass - Fender Jazz > Sansamp BDDI blended with Fender Jazz > Ampeg SVT Classic DI output

Drums - Kick is LSD, Snare is LSD mixed with natural snare, toms are natural, 57 on snare top, no snare bottom, Audix D series on toms. NT5s + ATM450s on overheads/cymbal spots, SM7 on hats.

Vocals - SM7
I dig it ALOT. Sucks that you have to quit audio engineering because you're really good at what you do. Snare is great but kick is a bit too clicky for my taste. Other than that I have nothing more to say. :headbang:
fucking awesome mix!! vocalist sounds just like the original bury your dead singer right at the start of the that!!! killer guitar tone.....solid drums.....mix sounds heavy as fuck. very nice ideed.