First mix pass for a band I recorded over the weekend.

curious...who is the band?

overall the mix is pretty good! the whole mix is just a touch dark. guitars are a bit muffled and could use a little 5-6k (tone isn't my cuppa joe tho..). kick could be beefier. vox need some shine. music is pretty cool.
curious...who is the band?

overall the mix is pretty good! the whole mix is just a touch dark. guitars are a bit muffled and could use a little 5-6k (tone isn't my cuppa joe tho..). kick could be beefier. vox need some shine. music is pretty cool.

It's a local band called Blood and Thunder.

I was thinking the same thing as you and already had a mix with an eq on the master bus boosting some high end.

Too much?
Dry mixes like this aren't really my cup of tea, but over all the mix is okay (the newest version, haven't listened to the previous ones). But performance-wise, (sorry to be harsh/picky...but) uggh. There's a tuning issue with the clean guitars that is even more noticeable once the bass comes in...either that, or something is playing tricks on my ears. I'm really sensitive to tuning, and even slightly out of tune things really bugs me. The guitarist does two bends at :45. I guess it's his note choice, but just bugs me. Needs to go up another 1/2 step. Also, the timing is very loose during during the double bass sections and just doesn't sync up and gel together.
I prefer at least a nice reverb happening on the snare...a la Sneap style. But not everyone else around here likes that. In the end, it's what the client wants. This is just me...but I'd try throwing Freeverb2 or Ambience vst on the snare and see how it starts shaping up.
yer. was being nice and didn't want to be too negative, but yeah... intonation issues for sure! and a lot of the leads are quite sloppy, especially the sweeping. whats with everyone thinkin they can sweep these days? mostly i think the band needs to work on thier songs. this one is pretty good, but with some maturity it could be better. the overall dryness works pretty well here, i think.