First mix with WAVES diamond pack and THE METAL FOUNDRY


Metal Dealer
Dec 16, 2013
in da dirt !
Hello everybody,

I'm new at this forum and in the mixing world, it has been one year that i'm trying to write music and to record it properly before i knew this forum existed !

So here is a sound i recorded using ANDY SNEAP Combined presets in Superior Drummer THE METAL FOUNDRY.

I also followed some advices from OLA EGLUNDS Videos on mixing, Can you tell me how it sounds for you and how i can fix things to make it sound better :)

Thanks folks !
I'm no pro, but it sounds way over compressed and clipping like crazy.

I've learned that louder is definitely not always better.
Cymbals seem over compressed. Kick is too clicky compared to the body of the mix. Guitars are muddy. EQ needs a better balance.
Spends $1,200 on Diamond bundle first year of mixing?

On that note, I just quick Googled some Waves bundles.....and the Mercury TDM is listed at $9,900?! What the ever loving fuck?!?
^spends? Not sure about that...:flame:

That was my point. :lol:

I'll be straight-up honest, I "stumbled across" a bundle like 4 years ago that was probably worth $1k+, and it was all working...somehow. Played around with a few plugs, and deleted it because I felt super guilty.

Now I only use free plugs or buy ones that are on sale and I am being legit, and it makes me feel 100x better than stealing some company's hard work. The only thing I haven't done yet is purchase the Reaper license.....