First MMO Reminisce Thread


Aug 9, 2008
Among the Horrors
Who else still misses there first MMO experiences? I played EQ1 from 01-05. Still like to play over epic fights and [white-knuckle] group challenges in my head from time to time. Wonder what happened to the people that were my brothers-in-arms on many a night in Norrath.
ive been playing Guild Wars since 2005. i love killing people with my assassin. here is a picture of her.

I played Anarchy Online for a couple years and had a blast. I had an Agent which was the class that used sniper rifles and could impersonate other classes in order to use their nanoprograms (spells). Eventually I reached a point where as a casual gamer I couldn't get past and I was getting older and didn't want to play as much. Tons of great memories though.
I was a hardcore player between like 03-04. Joined the Marine Corp and couldn't keep it up anymore and I was at a point where I had to play all the time or not play at all. Was probably for the best. Made very good money off my character though lol.
I had a Half Elf Warrior who was in the top 100 on EQ Rankings right before I left for bootcamp. Loved tanking bosses on raids. (Yeah I was a nerd).
I played WoW. I stopped recently because I don't have the time and my computer got taken away. I'll probably pick it up again during christmas break.
I find it funny how a lot of guys like to create female heroes in mmos.:err:

I do that a lot in single-player RPGs, just because I have to spend a lot of time staring at the character and a female one is usually more pleasant to look at (though, depending on the game artists, not always). If it's an MMO, though, I prefer the character to be gender-accurate.
At least he's not too old to know how to look it up.

Indeed. The saucy young lass at the local library who always wears the loveliest turquoise ribbon in her hair always keeps me informed about what all the youngsters are up to these days.
Ultima Online tbh

Best MMO Ever, especially considering it's free these days.

I use to play guild wars aswell, but it went to shit when they added that honor system and a timelimit on actual random battles. I use to love getting my monk and letting my other 3 team mates die, then just healing myself endlessly as the other team desperately tired to kill me to win the game. It would always end with a "fuck u noob" or a "damn she's good" followed by all of them resigning and my team
winning. Then I'd do all over again.
I find it funny how a lot of guys like to create female heroes in mmos.:err:

cuz i like being a sexy biatch

Best MMO Ever, especially considering it's free these days.

I use to play guild wars aswell, but it went to shit when they added that honor system and a timelimit on actual random battles. I use to love getting my monk and letting my other 3 team mates die, then just healing myself endlessly as the other team desperately tired to kill me to win the game. It would always end with a "fuck u noob" or a "damn she's good" followed by all of them resigning and my team
winning. Then I'd do all over again.

you should play again, random arena needs more monks